I come from a family of six generation Salvation Army born and raised and I am thankful for the upbringing I had and I think along with my Mum made me into the man I am today....
Some history
Since The Salvation Army was born on the streets of the East End of London in 1865, we have gone from strength to strength – carrying on the commitment of our founders to serve God and to serve suffering humanity by fighting against social injustice.
God loves with a great love the man whose heart is bursting with a passion for the impossible
When The Salvation Army’s founder William Booth was told by his son about all the homeless people sleeping on the banks of the Thames, his response was simple: ‘Go and do something.’ That was in the middle of the nineteenth century. But today The Salvation Army’s philosophy is exactly the same.
Ahead of their time, the Booths took an innovative approach in demonstrating their faith by offering practical support to people in need out on the streets of London and beyond. As social justice reformers, a large part of their focus was on caring for people in a practical way, and to reaching out to ‘the poor and destitute.’

The Booths abandoned the conventional concept of a church and a pulpit, instead taking their message to the people. Their fervour led to disagreement with church leaders in London, who preferred traditional methods. As a result, they withdrew from the church and travelled throughout England, conducting evangelistic meetings. Catherine and William walked the streets of London to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the poor, the homeless, the hungry, and the destitute.
In 1865, William Booth was invited to hold a series of evangelistic meetings in the East End of London. He set up a tent in a Quaker graveyard on July 2, and his services became an instant success. This is seen as the official start of The Salvation Army and proved to be the end of Booth’s wanderings as an independent travelling speaker. His renown as a religious leader spread throughout London.
Booth continued giving his new converts spiritual direction; challenging them to save others like themselves. Soon, they too were preaching, and singing in the streets. A radical, William Booth believed that charity demeaned the individual and people should be offered a ‘hand up' and not ‘hand outs' to get them back on their feet.
At a time when women’s place was often seen to be in the home, Catherine Booth was a strong proponent of equality for women and fought for women to be able to preach in church meetings – persuading William to change his own views - with this becoming a key part of The Salvation Army’s official beliefs.
In 1884, The Salvation Army opened a women’s rescue home in Whitechapel for those fleeing domestic violence and prostitution. Against a backdrop of poor and often dangerous working conditions, in 1891, The Salvation Army opened its own match factory in Old Ford, East London. Only using harmless red phosphorus, the workers were soon producing six million boxes a year. A competitor paid its workers just two pennies a gross, while The Salvation Army paid their employees twice that amount.
The Army also began to be involved in relief work, assisting in times of emergency, and disaster. This included the effects of war, with The Salvation Army Naval and Military League starting in 1894.
The Salvation Army served at the frontlines in World Wars I and II - offering comfort and pastoral support to members of the armed forces. It was in World War I, that the famous Salvation Army "doughnut girls" or “doughnut lassies” served their first doughnuts. During major engagements, the girls worked at the field hospitals and set up rest centres for soldiers to write home to loved ones. They went to daily burial services of the doughboys they served and then went to pray over the graves of the enemies.
In World War II, Salvation Army volunteers worked in mobile canteens to support troops in the battles zones across Europe. Salvationists worked in hospitals and also held services for allied prisoners in internment camps in Europe and the Far East. On the home front, families affected by the Blitz or other bombings were supported with clothing, blankets and food.
Today The Army’s emergency response teams still assist at disasters across the world. Churches across the UK have emergency response vehicles on standby to provide tea, coffee, and food to the emergency services. During the floods in the UK last winter, many churches assisted the emergency response by providing shelter, emergency food, blankets and a listening ear to people as well as providing assistance to the emergency services.
Over 150 years ago The Salvation Army found through their work that the main issues facing people were: a lack of ability to buy food and clothing; the fear of losing their homes; a lack of jobs and employment opportunities; and the health and social dangers of a heavy drinking culture.
These issues have remained the same for over 150 years, and still today, for many of the most vulnerable and marginalised in our communities. The Salvation Army is still there carrying on the founders’ work offering practical help, unconditional assistance and support to transform lives.
During a year
- We support more than 2,500 people back into employment.
- Our Family Tracing Unit helps reunite around 2,000 families a year.
- We served around 3 million nourishing meals throughout the year at Salvation Army community and residential centres to older people, people affected by homelessness and young families.
- Our Emergency Response Unit attended 163 emergencies across the country.
- We have 62 residential Lifehouses across the UK and Republic of Ireland for people experiencing homelessness, providing 3,200 beds a night plus training and support to get back on their feet.
- We organise on average 414 Parent and Toddler clubs per week to enable children to play in safe environments and where parents meet with Salvation Army Officers and other parents for support, with an average weekly attendance of 14,742.
We see the problems our society faces – family breakdown, poverty, homelessness, hunger, drug and alcohol addiction, domestic violence, child abuse and much more besides. We see men, women and children suffering greatly. More than anything we want to do something practical to transform their lives.
As well as helping people who are experiencing homelessness, we support families who have hit hard times, people who have been made redundant, become ill or are experiencing benefit delay. When someone in crisis comes to us wanting assistance, we take an interest in that person and get to the heart of their problem to find a long-term solution. The ongoing nature of our work is key to breaking the cycle of dependence and supporting people on a path to dignity.
Our older generation deserve to be treated with dignity, have a say in what they want, to receive care when they require it and to have the opportunity to retain as much independence as possible. We see it as a privilege to offer services to older people who continue to make tremendous contributions to their families and in their communities.
Inspired by our Christian faith, we work tirelessly in communities across the UK and right round the world to help people in terrible difficulties to overcome their problems, get back on their feet and stay there.
Today, The Salvation Army is active in 128 countries. Each location has different challenges, but the adaptive, people-led approach is remarkably similar to that of early-day pioneers. As a worldwide Christian church, our message is based on the Bible; our motivation is the love of God as revealed in Jesus Christ. Inspired by our faith, we engage in a programme of practical action to serve the community, to help those who are suffering and in need, and to fight for social justice.
Janet and Malc are still active members of the church and I always go to the service with them when I am home and that is where I went this morning.
This afternoon was a relaxing afternoon outside in the sun, reading, doing some planning and unfortunately I have a bit or a sore throat and do not feel 100%.....
At 6 pm we all met at a local restaurant where they serve a lovely Sunday brunch buffet dinner.....9 of us there and it was a great treat to have dinner with my family does not happen very often and even though I do not want any celebrations for my birthday this was the occasion.
We then came back to the house for cake!!!
.....it was a great evening!!! Thanks everyone!!!
As Janet and Malc and I are leaving for Malta on Tuesday I want to tell you a little about the island...I have not been before so looking forward to this we leave on Tuesday morning....
The history of Malta is a long and colourful one dating back to the dawn of civilisation.
The Maltese Islands went through a golden Neolithic period, the remains of which are the mysterious temples dedicated to the goddess of fertility. Later on, the Phoenicians, the Carthaginians, the Romans and the Byzantines, all left their traces on the Islands.
In 60 A.D. St. Paul was shipwrecked on the island while on his way to Rome and brought Christianity to Malta. The Arabs conquered the islands in 870 A.D. and left an important mark on the language of the Maltese. Until 1530 Malta was an extension of Sicily: The Normans, the Aragonese and other conquerors who ruled over Sicily also governed the Maltese Islands. It was Charles V who bequeathed Malta to the Sovereign Military Order of St. John of Jerusalem who ruled over Malta from 1530 to 1798. The Knights took Malta through a new golden age, making it a key player in the cultural scene of 17th and 18th century Europe. The artistic and cultural lives of the Maltese Islands were injected with the presence of artists such as Caravaggio, Mattia Preti and Favray who were commissioned by the Knights to embellish churches, palaces and auberges.
In 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte took over Malta from the Knights on his way to Egypt. The French presence on the islands was short lived, as the English, who were requested by the Maltese to help them against the French, blockaded the islands in 1800.
British rule in Malta lasted until 1964 when Malta became independent. The Maltese adapted the British system of administration, education and legislation.
Modern Malta became a Republic in 1974 and joined the European Union in May 2004.
Malta is the largest island and the cultural, commercial and administrative centre.
Here you can span the millennia with an astonishing array of things to discover. And wherever you go, the scenery and architecture provide a spectacular backdrop. The colours are striking, honey-coloured stone against the deepest of Mediterranean blues.
Malta has been described as one big open-air museum. What makes it unique is that so much of the past is visible today. Delve into the island's mysterious prehistory, retrace the footsteps of St. Paul or see where the Knights of St. John fought their most famous battles.
Malta is holidaying as the mood takes you. And with near year-round sun, you can indulge in outdoor living at its best.
Yashi Kochi!!!
Well, Happy 70th Birthday!!! But I thought your birthday was on May 22nd. Since Janet, Malc, and you will be traveling Tuesday, I guess Sunday was a good day to celebrate.
By the way, I watched Harry and Meghan's wedding; it was beautiful; got up at five in the morning to see it; don't usually get up that early.
Malta sounds wonderful; if you have the time, I wonder if the islands have a good ferry service so that you could hop around the islands.
Yes best time for the family was last night and the actual date is tomorrow....I enjoyed the wedding how they made their own choices loved the choir and the moving address and yes there is a small island we will go to by ferry..the weather forecast is superb so should be a great time thanks Les
I wonder what the Queen thought of the sermon as the minister swayed to and fro and raised his voice to make a point; noticed that some of the congregation were swaying with the sermon, too. This Evangelical minister was tame compared to what I have seen in his sermons; generally, he presents his sermons in a "fire and brimstone" fashion with people in the congregation so worked up that they are dancing in the aisles with their hands held up to God saying Amen, Amen. These are usually AME black churches which stand for African Methodist Episcopal churches.
I really enjoy those churches..lp
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