I think I got ahead of myself yesterday wishing all my Canadian friends a Happy Thanksgiving weekend when it is actually next weekend!!
Linda and I went for breakfast again at the hotel and then we went on a mission…………to buy myself a reclining chair!!! My old one I left in Nanaimo after many hours of use it was starting to rip and not function properly..so I managed to buy a new one for 65 dollars this morning and I just know it will fit on top of all my stuff in Yaretzi and I will get my share of great hours with it.
Then it was off to a bakery…..it has been a tradition for years when I come down and see Linda and Guy I always bring her a batch of the world wide famous Nanaimo bars..but of course I always put them in the freezer in Ramona…so what to do this year?????? Got on the Internet found a bakery close to the hotel and they agreed to make a batch up for me they got the recipe off the Internet and this morning I took Linda into the bakery and to say she was shocked was putting it mildly!!! I was so happy for her, she just loves them.
We then went to see Guy and it was wonderful to see him in his shorts and T shirt and not in his hospital gown I was getting tired of seeing his bum!!!!!!!
They were some medications issues and he was a bit dis oriented but came around the longer we stayed and he will now have some therapy for the next week and hope he gets stronger..I said goodbye to Guy and promised to take care of their lovely casa in SMA.
Back at the hotel I got everything packed, lots of drinks and food for the road….said good bye to Linda. It was really nice to visit with them, see their family and spend some time with Linda keeping her mind off the hospital for a while and I look forward to the day when they arrive in SMA and hope it is within the next couple of months.
I was on the road by noon and my first stop was the famous town of Tombstone!!
Lots of history here and they still do re enactments of the gunfight at the OK corral!!
I decided that rather than drive to Douglas and spend the night there I would stop in Bisbee for the night and then leave early in the morning.
This tunnel leads into Bisbee which is a charming old mining town!!
One of the pubs had a local band playing October fest songs and I could not resist this photo!!
I found a really nice Motel on the outside of town the room is very nice…
I managed to relax for a while in the sun reading my book and yes I made have shut my eyes for a short time.
This is an interesting plant don’t know what it is but pretty!!
Sunset and almost full moon!!!
So the plan is to get up by 6am and drive to the border at Douglas get my paperwork done on be on the road….I think this time I shall be out of touch for a couple of days unless I have Internet wherever I am going to stay…..should be in SMA either late Tuesday of by Wednesday.this is a new route for me so I look forward to seeing part of the country I have not seen before..
Yashi Koshi!!