Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Tuesday 18th June 2019.....nice and easy!!!

A relatively slow day but started out with two hours on the tennis courts..really good game and I am so glad to be able to get on the courts again!!

Starting later in the week the rainy season will flow

So that may cancel out some tennis mornings..I hope not but we do need the rain!!

Watched another live soccer game from France this afternoon before heading out to Bo’s house where Lisa joined us and we had an evening of Mexican train..always fun and good company...

Talking about company here are the three of us!!!

Yashi Kochi!!!!


Dee Tillotson said...

You must keep a few treats in your pocket which keeps the puppies near you so much or you must have a conversation often with them.

mexicokid said...

I do talk to them but honestly Einstein is always like this he follows me everywhere and when Gracie gets back Scout does the same with her...hope you travels are going well best wishes les

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