Happy Father’s Day to all those great Dads out there.....I once heard a quote although I do not know from whom but they said ...
The best thing a Dad can do for his children is love their Mother!!!!
I forgot to mention yesterday that I had previously saved two of the cameras that I owned and no longer worked and with some messing around I was able to get one of them to work and as you will see below takes good photos..the dials are not set and it is a pain but it will do me well till I get one next month when I am in 🇨🇦
Today is a huge event in town and I think the biggest parade of the year...the Locos Parade!!!
Dia de los Locos
This is literally one of the craziest festivals in Mexico – it translates to Day of the Crazies. Each year, it takes place on the Sunday that falls closest to June 13 and involves a sensational parade that snakes through the entire city. People get crazy and dress up as just about anything they feel like, from corrupt politicians to famous wrestlers and superheroes. They then throw candy around, creating a distinctly carnival feel. For the average observer, the whole thing looks secular, but the festival is actually meant to honor St. Anthony, the saint who's said to help find lost things. The celebrations take place to thank him for all the lost things that have been found. The day starts with a special mass, and because of its religious roots, alcohol is banned from the festivities, making it a fun, family-friendly event.
I wanted to go and decided to take Scout and Einstein with me...had water for all of us and off we went up town....
As you can see the crowds were huge.....the colours magnificent..and the people so friendly...
The dogs really behaved considering all the noise and music and folks!!!
I like this quote!!!
Went to Bo’s house again and with Lisa we had fun playing Mexican train!!
Yashi Kochi!!!
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