This is my sixth year and I love it as much today as I did the day I students are in the highest level and their English is very good when they come into my class what they lack is the confidence to talk.
I am not a formerly educated man I never went to college and was not a good student but I seem to have the ability to give confidence to my students...
This class is the largest I have had ten students and they are simply amazing.....I try to keep the classes funny, informative and I am always questioning them and getting them to talk.
They start off as my students then they be become my friends and finally I feel like we are all part of a small family....
In two weeks the semester ends and it has been so wonderful and I am so proud of every single one of them and I tell them that at the end of each class!!
Tonight’s class was more of the same..we arranged our chairs in a circle and just talked and asked questions..we covered a whole host of topics....amazing!!
Yashi Kochi!!!
It's a wonderful thing that you are able to convey your talents to others through teaching. It's a gift...
Thanks but I feel so lucky to be able to help them ..they are the amazing ones..cheers les
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