Saturday, January 03, 2009

A beautiful sunny morning

for Janet and Malc’s first day in SMA.  Barb and Frank stayed overnight in their camper and we all had my famous scrambled egg for breakfast, except of course for my Bro’ who ate the same breakfast he has for the last 42 years!!!!!!  Cereal and toast!!!!

We said goodbye to Barb and Frank as they continue their journey into the west part of Mexico and I am sure and hope to meet up with them again soon, had a great time with thanks!

We then went to Santa Julia to show Janet and Malc the home and to hopefully see Paola but she was still with the Madre but we did get to see the home and the rooms of the girls and we also got to play for a few minutes with some of the smaller girls. 

From there we drove and parked and then did a walking tour of the down town.IMG_2085

We went inside of the main church and we were delighted to find a wedding taking place.IMG_2087









The church is very beautiful inside…IMG_2091 IMG_2093 IMG_2092


We then grabbed a quick lunch in the main Jardin and had a musical interlude..IMG_2083

Recognized those two love birds in the background holding hands?


Looks like Janet had a good time in there!!!

After more serious walking refreshments were called for again.IMG_2098

Back again to the main square for the Mariachi band.IMG_2102

Then walking back to the car we passed this stretch of road that has been under repair since I arrived in November, each stone is laid by hand.IMG_2103

After a lovely supper prepared by Janet we had a quiet evening and I think they are still adjusting to the time difference, but a great day, so nice to have them with me and to share this lovely town, people and culture.

As the official tour guide I have to plan tomorrow’s trip, so stay  tuned, blessings to all.

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