Let me describe to you a typical and wonderful Mexican experience!!!
I decided on Monday to take Little Yellow in for a full service..I go to a small family run business on a small side street close to where I used to live.
So I stopped there on Monday and asked if it was ok to bring the scooter in for a service on Tuesday at 11 am....the wife said sure no problem.
After tennis on Tuesday I w eat there and the place was closed....no worries I just went home.
Today after tennis, which was again a fabulous two hours, I went back to the shop and the husband and wife were there..she immediately said how sorry she was about Tuesday, this of course is all in Spanish, no worries could I bring it in tomorrow at 11am....she said there were going away for the day tomorrow could I leave it now.....sure it worked for me..so I left Little Yellow and asked what time to pick it up and he said 4pm.....and I walked home about 15 minutes!!!
Around 3.50pm I left my place and walked back to the shop....the owner used his thumb and finger an inch apart and said one minute...no worries I sat on the stoop and just enjoyed the traffic the people the activity of his small street!!
About 30 minutes later he showed me the spark plug and said he needed to buy a new one, again no worries, there are many auto parts store close by and off he went in his car to return about 30 minutes later with a smile on his face.
He set about installing that and finally he said Listo!!!!!!!
I thanked him so much and asked him how much I owed...he said 400 pesos of course he got a good tip, we shook hands and I was home two hours after I left!!!!
These are things that make my life joyful!!!
I also enjoyed this post on the Internet!!!
Yashi Kochi!
Such a relaxed way of life... We are close to that now but not quite Mexican...
110 floors in full firefighting gear is amazing!
Yes it is an amazing feat...yes very relaxed cheers les
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