Thursday, September 05, 2019

Thursday 5th September 2019....another good day in SMA !!!

the storm that I thought might come overnight did not materialize so tennis was on for this morning and it was a great game..this new player to our group makes us all play better and we had two good sets..really great tennis,  very enjoyable!!!

I know tennis is big in my life and here are some interesting facts on how the scoring goes in tennis!!

Also when I have been watching this week there is a bill board that comes on the screen often and it just says Bermuda, nothing I googled why and here is the answer!!

Tonight I was teaching again and happy to say most of the students showed up, they are still very nervous about talking in front of the group even though they all know each other.....but I do make them come to the front...stand still feet planted and hands still and talk..

I had them take turns and come out and read what they had researched about Bermuda...they all did very well.

Then I told them a little bit about my time there and I found some more photos of my time there and handed them around and talked about them.

On Monday I told them about paying it forward and asked if they could poss do something also for homework and I told them what I did yesterday....close by where I live three workmen were digging a ditch by hand I passed them a couple of times and the last time I stopped at a small store and bought a big bottle of Coke, I know I know but it is what they drink, I stopped and gave it to them and thanked them for their work...they all smiled and were very happy.

Well good  to report a couple of students did pay it forward and I explained it is not easy to do at first but they will get it and it will work.

I then had each student takes turn coming to the front of the class and then each of the other students had to ask one question of that  student.

Then we changed students until everyone had done it..the kicker was they could not ask a question that had already been asked..they seemed to enjoy this and slowly I can see them losing some of their shyness!!

I always finish class on Wednesday with a game and chocolate but as there was no class yesterday we did that today...split them into two teams and played twenty questions and everyone got was a wonderful class!!

Home now and watching live the women’s semi finals from NYC!!!

life is good!!

Yashi Kochi!!

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