This morning after breakfast
Gracie and I went out into another campo about 15 km out of town and to visit the schools that I had scouted out last week.
The mission was a huge success we visited six small communities and went to the Kindergarten and primary schools and spoke with the Principal of the schools.
All the teachers were happy to see us and they are all on board for their children to receive a gift from a real live King on Friday 3rd January!!!! They were thrilled there would be no garbage and also that we would be bringing a small gift for the parents who come to the school with smaller kids not registered in the schools.
I have done a rough head count which I think will be quite accurate and the break down is...
There are 90 Kindergarten girls who will receive a lovely gift bag containing many small items especially for little girls!!
Then there are 309 Primary girls who will receive a cool small hand purse containing all sorts of things including hair and nail products, socks and gloves and note book.
One school we are going to is a Secondary school and these 39 girls will receive some gift which we have yet to decide.
In the years doing this event all the boys want is a soccer ball so every boy from kindergarten to Secondary school age will receive a soccer ball....431 in total balls.
For a grand total of approximately 870 children.....
Now I have to start getting the funds coming article about the Three Kings toy drive which I blogged about last week appeared in the local paper which came out today so I hope this generates more interest and donations!
If you wish to donate please email me and we can talk about how we can do it..
Best wishes for a great weekend les
Yashi Kochi!!
Les, I'm not quite sure, but I believe that in secondary school is about the age young ladies take their first communion in the Catholic Church. They dress up all in white and wear dress white gloves during the communion ceremony. Just throwing out an idea for the dress white gloves. However, you might consult with someone to determine what the gloves should look like.
P.S. Another idea for the secondary school girls. Mexico is swimming in silver and, therefore, there are silver craftsmen who can make a large number of small children's crosses with a bail at the top of each cross for threading a white ribbon. The girls wear these crosses around their necks tied on with a white ribbon for their communions.
Thanks Dee...good ideas there....hope all is well best wishes les
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