Monday, May 09, 2022

Monday 9 th May 2022…and so it begins!!

 Let the journey begin!!!!

It started out with a minor glitch….my bus from SMA to Querétaro never arrived and I was a bit short on time and another bus would not arrive in time for my next connection so no worries went outside and got a taxi to QTO bus station and arrived in plenty of time to make the bus to the airport…

All checked in and now at the gate and will board at 10 pm…..

My adorable Sister in law, JANET continues with the family tradition that my Mum started of making the famous WINGIES cup cakes for my arrival…

Janet baked a batch today and sent the photo…YES I KNOW…I am spoiled!!!!

Stay safe and healthy next post from Jolly Old 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 England!!

Yashi Koshi!!

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