Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Tuesday 4 th January 2022….finally fixed the problem!!

 No I did not fix the issue my techie did and he did a good job….

So first of all a happy new year to everyone I know Covid still lingers with a vengeance but this 8s my mantra for this year

I did a nice hike on Sunday here are a couple of shots..

Blaze after coming from the spa!!

Frida who comes home from doggie camp tomorrow and I get to see on Thursday!!

An Ariel view of the arrival path into Bermuda where I was lucky enough to live for ten years!!

Finally the mosaic outside San Antonio church where I play tennis.

Another I hike I forgot I did a few days ago 

Stay safe and healthy!!

Yashi Kochi!!


Rick said...

Looking good - glad your blog is up and running.

mexicokid said...

Thanks me too🌈👍

Thursday 5 th January 2023…it was a great run!!!

 This was my first ever blog post back in November of 2006!!! With just a couple of days off I have written a blog every day since and I hav...