Friday, January 14, 2022

Friday 14th January 2022…..yet another three kings day!!

 I thought I had finished with the Three Kings toy drive but no..there was a delivery this morning ….

A few weeks ago I was contacted by the public relations at one of the hospitals in town and I went and spoke to them and they wanted to work with me on getting gifts to a small school 45 minutes away and a very remote community…..before Christmas they came and picked up the gifts for the children.

A few days ago I got a call from Alex at the hospital telling me they were going to deliver the gifts to the children today and asking me if I wanted to go along and of course I said yes.

It really was way out in the sticks and all the children were waiting in the playground with others with their mothers outside the gates…

Cynthia, Alex and Jorge after the gift giving..

The children loved their gifts and they asked me to give a little speech and everyone was very kind…

It was a very special time for me and as I mentioned the other day none of this could have been possible without the donations from so many wonderful people, thank you!!
Stay safe and healthy!!

Yashi Kochi!!

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