Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Wednesday 16th January 2018....busy days!!!

Yesterday was Gracie’s birthday!!!!

The morning started with the usual Tuesday morning tennis get together always fun and played under lovely blue skies.....

I then bit the bullet and got on my scooter went to a friends house borrowed a two gallon gas container and scouted out the gas stations all of them were closed but Mobil said they might get gas I parked and walked to the station and was first in the people line but don’t know how long a wait it will be!!!

So I was sitting on the steps about thirty feet from the pumps with the bright red gas container in front of me

 and had waited about two hours when an American man approached me and told me that the gas attendants would not fill the container they had been instructed by the police to only fill vehicles.....I thanked  him and took my container to one of the attendants and asked if when they got gas they would fill my container and he said no....I did not have the knowledge of the language to ask him why no one would have told me that it was obvious bi was waiting for gas!!!

I have since learned that it is a cultural thing I did not ask them and they did not feel obliged to tell me.....obviously disappointed I went home!!

Afterwards got some beautiful flowers for Gracie and went to her house and made mashed potatoes for a party of five.....her friend Bo had invited us and two friends to his house where he was going to cook steak and I was providing the mashed spuds and dessert...

We had a little party for Gracie followed by an evening of Mexican train!!!

It was great fun and a nice birthday day!!!

This morning I took Gracie on the scooter to pay some bills all over town and then went to poker...what can I say??? 

 Another 100 pesos in the bank!!!

I realized that now the scooter was almost out of gas so I went back to Mobil and waited in line for was about a 45 minute wait but I did fill up the I am good now.....eventually when the gas crisis is over I will take the car to get it filled!!

Tonight had a great English class my five students attended and we had a lot of fun doing interviews...playing charades and of course the usual Wednesday pay it forward and chocolates!!

For some strange reason I am not able to post the photos..will try them manana!!

Yashi Kochi!!!


Dee Tillotson said...

Well, I'm gob smacked!! Ha! When you mentioned that you and Gracie were riding around town tandem on a scooter on cobblestone streets during a gas shortage, my imagination went wild (think accident or someone took your scooter).

Tell Gracie Happy Birthday for me! Did you bake the cake? As we say in South Carolina and Georgia, ya'll ate "high on the hog" for her birthday with steak and potatoes.

Notwithstanding the lack of communication from the Mobil station employee, I was optimistic Mobil would come through for you since they do not solely rely on getting their supplies from the Pemex pipeline.

mexicokid said...

No all is fine a great party and gas in the tank...thanks les

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