Thursday, January 10, 2019

Thursday 10 th January 2019.....not much going on!!

Well it was a tad cool riding to tennis this morning but fine when the sun showed its face and a good match....

Afterwards I won’t bore you with the details but I spent most of the day going back and forth with my scooter and’s complicated but fine and all is well.

Only two students showed up for class but that me time to have close and personal talks and we played at being a famous person and being interviewed..they had to use their Brian’s to make up answers and I know they really enjoyed a different lesson..very proud of them.

This is interesting and I did not know about it thanks Brian for sending it to me!!

We are all 2018 today  –    Today the whole world is the same age.

Today is a very special day. It happens only once every 1,000 years.

Your age + your year of birth = 2018.

This is true for everyone.

It is both strange and inexplicable.

Try it and see.

It will not happen again for another 1,000 years.

Yashi Kochi!!!!

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