This is my blog from ten years ago today!!!!
Friday, July 20, 2012
Friday 20th July 2012…on the move again!!
I left this sleepy little town on the 10am bus for the huge metropolis of Athens…this was the nicest bus so far
and even better that it was an express bus and did not stop to pick up more passengers just stopped once for a 20 minute break and by 4pm I was at the bus station in Athens.
I had made arrangements to stay with a couch surfing hostess and Ina and I had been e mailing for a while and she told me the best way to get to her apartment which is quite centrally located was by cab….so about 4.30pm I was ringing the bell to Ina’s apartment…what a lovely lady and her serial licking dog Mona was so excited to meet me!!!
We sat and got to know each other and
had tea and then took Mona for a nice long walk up the hill behind the apartment. It was a perfect time the sun was just going down and it is only from this height you get an idea of what a huge sprawling city it is.
Like this photo above not much history though….
Just some old ruins!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cannot wait for tomorrow and a closer look!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the church on the summit is beautiful
as were the views!!
Ina and Mona….
It was a great evening and Ina is so easy to talk with and a very interesting lady and I think her English is better than mine!!!
So another wonderful day and looking forward to seeing some of the history tomorrow……Les
Stay safe and healthy!!!
Yashi Kochi!!
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