Friday, November 09, 2007


Did not expect to post again from Costa Rica but I arrived safely at the hotel in San Jose, where I stayed the first night and have an even nicer room on the golf course than I had before and I have internet and wanted to share one more story with you...

This may soundy a little corny or melodramtic but it happened...the hotel where I stayed was not a typical type hotel all the rooms were at elevation and were like seperate apartments, the lobby was small and open to the elements and surrounded by vegitation, these are two pictures of the lobby plus the table settings in the restaurant....anyway the bus to pick me up was 45 minutes late but did I fret? Not for one minute I spent the time talking to the lady in the lobby. Now all the while I am been staying here I haven't seen any monkies but as I was waiting for the bus, she heard something and told me come with her. There above us no more than 20 feet away were a family of about 8 monkies going for a stroll through the trees. It was amazing this is the first time I had seen them moving from tree to tree and they swung from one brach to another branch at least 12 feet away and carried on. It was the most amazing sight and what a fitting way to end my time here and I wanted to share with you.....Pura Vida..
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