Friday, November 05, 2021

Friday 5th No ember 2021….Gun powder treason and plot!!

If you do not know what the heading means Google Guy Fawkes!!!

Today was delivery day to the small community on the way to Los Rodriguez…

The photo shows Lynn, Joanne and Reyes loading the fruits and veggies into the food hamper boxes before we begin the delivery!

There are just three families that live very close to some dumpsters they are extremely poor and such lovely people who so appreciate all we bring them…….

We have given them lamina for their roofs, cement for their floors and they always work hard to help improve their living conditions!!

Next we delivered to some needy families with in the town……this lovely lady was celebrating her birthday today so it was very fitting we delivered some food and donated clothing for them…..

She lost her husband a couple of months ago and the family had erected a lovely tribute to him in the front room.

We all always come away from these kind of days very blessed and humble and thanks to all the wonderful people who continue to donate money and any unwanted articles.

You can contact me at 

If you would like to donate and especially now as the cooler weather is approaching blankets and warm clothing would be so well received!!

A friend of mine took this photo on a hike yesterday he reminds me of the Marlboro man!!

Best wishes stay safe and healthy …

Yashi Kochi!!

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