Thursday, December 28, 2017

Thursday 28th December 2017.....Yet another

win at poker this time 200 pesos!!!!!

The 3 Kings Project is coming together with lots of help from some special friends here...I did not fully realize how big a project it was going to be but we have reached our goal for the 3 schools and still have some gifts left so I am going to decide what to do with those.

All the age categories have been filled and next Tuesday a small group of friends are meeting to do the wrapping and final count and make sure all the gifts are labelled issue I will have is where to store the gifts till we deliver on the 5th January and the other is to find drivers to take the pressies and people out to the schools in the campo but I am sure it will all work out.

Off to tennis..did I mention how sunny and nice it is here  sunny and warm????  I know I have friends in colder and snowy climes...just saying!!!!!!

Yashi Kochi!!!!

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