After doing a few chores I went to the clinic armed with my book as I knew I would have to wait and I did about 30 minutes....and within 2 minutes I was finished!!!!
I then drove down town and took some local photos....this is looking across the harbor towards Vancouver and the mountains!!!
Before I moved to mexico I lived in this town for almost 20 years and I was involved in quite a few projects and associations and a few years ago the town decided to recognize my contributions and efforts for the town with this small park close to down town!!!! Not many people have a park named after them!!!!
This river is virtually right down town!!!
Spring colors!!!!
This is the restaurant where I spent 14 years before I retired in December of 2006!!!!!
I met up with Karen and she took me shopping for a few clothes my dress sense is non existent!!!
I like the things she picked out for me!!!
Next it was to the local library where I had booked a free 30 minute tech help and the kind assistant showed me how to download e books from the library on to my is virtually like walking into the library and I can access it from anywhere in the world....
When I finally got home Heather had a surprise for me...yes a load of bark mulch!!!! Just what every guy hopes for!!!
The before photo
The after photo
I cannot take any credit Heather as you see her above did all of this I just loaded a few wheel barrows for her...because......I was mowing the front and huge back lawn!!!!
You see what happens when there is no hockey on TV a man works!!!!Thank goodness the games resume tomorrow!!!!
Oh by the way anyone who believed what I wrote(That means you Linda) about the Pearson Park being named after me...I have a bridge in Florida I would like to sell you!!!!!
Yashi Kochi!!!
So is it Groundhog Day (the movie)??? Monday and Tuesday are both called Day 16!!! :)
oopps I could lie and say it was a deliberate mistake and you win the prize BUT!!!!!! Hope you are doing well blessings L
So you were kidding about the park... But surely that airport near Toronto is named after you!!!
of course it is he was my grand father.........
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