Monday, October 06, 2008

We are going to have a contest..

to determine which is the best excuse my brother gives every day why he doesn’t accompany on my morning walk.  I walk about three miles each morning through the village into the countryside across farmer’s fields and railway tracks and back home.

Day 1 excuse:  I cannot come with you because I have to count the money from yesterdays collection at the church.

Each day I shall post his excuse and you my readers can vote for the best one!!

A big Pearson family tradition is when ever I come home my lovely sister in law, Janet, makes me my favourite cup cakes, I even have a name for them….

so welcome to the wonderful world of “My Wingies”  believe me they taste as good as they look.kkkm 003

I bet you didn’t know that my Ramona has a cousin in England??  Her name is Stella (Must be a Pearson thing, everything has a name).

kkkm 005 This is their home and Stella..kkkm 004 So after my walk and relaxing this morning I took a walk into the town and these are some of the sights..kkkm 012 kkkm 013







kkkm 020

kkkm 022

kkkm 027







kkkm 031

Cottingham is the largest village in England with a population of about 17000 people.  A very old and beautiful place

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