Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wednesday 31st March 2011………the last beach day till November!!!!

I noticed the last time I gassed up that the outside dual wheel tire at the rear was split in two places on the side wall…

tire 001this was not a good situation and I needed to get to a tire repair shop.  My plan all along has been to replace all the tires when I get back into the USA but it looked like I was going to have to do something sooner here…..I have such wonderful and knowledgeable friends and Rob, who has a similar motorhome who is in SMA at this time e mailed me to suggest that instead of paying for a new tire why don’t I swap the spare with the damages wheel……I honestly had not thought of this ….this morning started off at 9am here

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where Ramona had an oil and filter change…I had brought the oil and filter with me from Canada so they did the change and did a quick grease job……now remember here we are talking just over 12 pesos to the dollar…….total coast for change 110 pesos!!!!!!!

next stop was the tire store

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So what these smart men did was remove the spare wheel and finding that the rim was smaller and different to the rear damaged wheel so they took the tire of the spare and replaced the damaged tire with this one!!!!!!

So they balanced the new tire and made sure it was safely in place

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then put the spare one back and in 45 minutes I was ready to go…you are not going to believe this!!!!!    160 pesos…I love Mexico!!!!

I really cannot come to terms to having all this work done oil change and tires for just about 23 dollars!!!

I then went into town to check out the small market

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Quite small compared to the market in SMA

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I then had arranged to meet Joy and Colin and Maggie and Dan at the beach at the far end of town

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I took my boogie board and Joy managed these photos after I had survived the 40 feet waves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I then handed the board over to the real Pros….

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I lent the board to these boys and two hours later they returned  it and never left the water once reminded of the times I took Paola and Daniela to the hot pools they would never leave the water!!!!

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After all that hard work I needed a cool one!!!

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relax Janet (my lovely Sister in Law) that is a beer BUT I am not drinking it!!!!!!

It was a lovey send off for my last dip till November….said my goodbyes to buddies I will see Joy and Colin in July when I pass their way, Niagara Falls. on my epic journey.

Came back to the park and did some work getting Ramona ready and then went back into town as I treated myself to a one hour massage…..

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These Photos may be disturbing to some readers!!!!!!




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Mally { my Brother} are you having flashbacks????????

Cost of the great massage 200 pesos!!!


So not a bad day!!!!!

This could be my last post for quite a while but keep checking back….

The plan is to leave here tomorrow heading north passing through Puerta Valllarta, Mazatlan and to Los Mochis where I turn in land for El Fuerte and I hope to be there by Monday afternoon.

In El Furte I leave Ramona for about 5 days and take the train into the Copper Canyon to Creel where i will stay for a couple of days and do some hiking into the canyon.

Back to El furte on the train and then cross the border into the USA around the 10th April…I am not taking my lap top and I am sure Internet will be hard to find so don’t worry I will get in touch when I can……be well and happy Les


Map picture
Map picture

If you Google Copper Canyon it is quite an interesting read!!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wednesday 30th March 2011…….beach, train and BBQ

Those words really describe my day……

Inga left this morning and I spent the morning doing odd jobs around Ramona but more on that tomorrow…spent a couple of hours at the beach in front of the RV park and then went to the house where Joy and Colin are staying…see how nice it is….

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Then Joy gave me my once a year haircut by her!!!!

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Now it is time for some serious Mexican train….

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It was a great three hours of fun and Maggie came out as the winner…only thing missing was Barb and Paco…wish you both were here!!!

Colin BBQ;d some wonderful hot dogs and it was 9.30pm before we knew it…..

So ends yet another wonderful day ……

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tuesday 29th March 2011…….you have been warned… may not want to read this post!!!!!

Today I spent the day doing this

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and when I wasn’t doing that I was doing this

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or swimming here

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but did take time out to do this

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You were warned!!!!

Tonight met up with all my friends for a lovely fun evening thanks to everyone!!!!!

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Colin cooked chilli and we were invited to stay of course this boy does not eat chilli so check out my place setting at front centre…bread and jam!!!!

Not a bad day!!!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Monday 28th March 2011……….Beach Baby Beach Baby!!!!!!

Had a really good sleep in Ramona and woke up feeling good and ready to continue the journey to the coast and was back on the road at 9.30am…

Some sights along the way!!

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Sugar cane country!!

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Then onto toll roads!!

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Finally close to my destination Barra…

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and banana country…

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My first Military check point and I was waved right through…

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At 2.30 pm driving down this dusty street

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to my destination..

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and here I am not bad eh???

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This shot below was taken at 2.45 pm

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This shot was taken at 2.46 pm!!!!!!

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My first ocean swim this year!!!

It was great to get in the warm water the waves are quite big close to shore so you have to be careful not to get knocked over…this is another great RV park, a hotel also and lovely pool

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As you can see it is not possible to get any closer to the beach

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The view to my right

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and the left

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My knee is getting better!!

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Not a bad place to be…so the RV park which has great hot showers full hook ups and internet and he was going to charge me 250 pesos a night but after talking with the owner for a while he charged me 200 pesos a night , almost 17 dollars!!!!!

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I have two different sets of friends here in town and I went to visit Joy and Colin for a while they have been coming down here for years and I met them a few years ago and we became good friends…sorry Barb and Paco wish you were here!!!!

I then went and met Inga who is in town for two more days, Inga and I were in a relationship for a few years and a few years ago and we have remained friends and I met with her and three of her friends and had a lovely dinner

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and a nice visit!!!

Now I have to get used to sleeping with the crashing waves about 50 feet away…life is really quite good don’t you think?

Thursday 5 th January 2023…it was a great run!!!

 This was my first ever blog post back in November of 2006!!! With just a couple of days off I have written a blog every day since and I hav...