Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday 28th September 2011……The city of Champions (sorry Vancouver!!)

Up bright and early at 7am and got ready to walk to the train station just a few minutes away…I got permission for Ramona to stay here for the day

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The Station is the start of the line so it wasn’t busy

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but within a few stops all the seats were occupied…..I just love being a senior even though I don’t think I should have got the senior rate here not being a card holder but the lady told me I had a nice smile and gave me the $7.75 ticket…which is a return about 65 miles for that price is a steal…glad I had those teeth done!!!!

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After fighting the crowds here I was in down town Boston I had done some research and knew I wanted to find the Freedom Trail

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and once I found the trail it was fairly easy to follow as you just had to follow the double red bricks!!!

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Just some random shots on the walk!!

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I walked down to the docks and took this small ferry

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named after my only Aunt!!!

The destination was

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Waited about 20 minutes but then had a free guided tour which was very interesting this is one good looking ship or boat or yacht or whatever!!!

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I then took a very long walk and saw these ….on the way!!!

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Canuck fans might want to skip this next little part!!!!!

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Next stop..

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So as the song says…..”Take me out to the ball park!!!”

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Fenway Park the oldest Baseball stadium in the league this shot taken from the Press boxes…..

For $11 dollars I took the one hour tour which was really great!!!

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It was already 4pm and time to head back to the train station but much too far to walk so off I went into the subway and for a couple of dollars found myself the right tube to get back to the train and then a 40 minute wait and then the train home.

I arrived back at Ramona at 7pm tired but the day was a special one.

I drove about 20 miles to a Wal-Mart and a MacDonald's where I am posting this from and them back for a cup of tea and a movie.

Tomorrow I move to Glenn’s house, a friend I haven’t met yet but who is so kindly letting me keep Ramona in his yard whilst I am away…so the plan is as follows!!!

I leave on the train from Glenn;s house on Friday morning to the Cruise Terminal and we set sail at 5pm Friday afternoon…Saturday at sea and arrive in Bermuda at 11am Sunday morning….we leave Bermuda at 6pm on Tuesday evening and back into Boston at 8am Friday morning!!!

This is going to be a really memorable week for me…..I will try to post when I can but I think the Internet is not reliable on board so if you don’t hear from me for a while don’t worry I shall be soaking up pink sands and warming oceans!!!!!



Paula and Jerry said...

Those teeth are going to pay for themselves within a few years!
Great blog today. Looks like you had a super day in Boston. Now it's off to sea. Bon Voyage, amigo! Have a terrific adventure! We look forward to your posts, whenever you are able.

Paula and Jerry said...


Where are the black socks?

mexicokid said...

Black socks are for hiking in dirty places when I am in town I go fancy dress!!! thanks for the good wishes blessings L

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