So to carry on from last night i got to Estitxu's apartment just gone 8.30pm and she was there to greet me and she was hungry so we walked around the corner to her favorite bar and she had a sandwich and i had a juice and we just chatted.
She is a very interesting and kind lady she teaches Portuguese to adult students a job that keeps her very busy.
Back at the apartment she showed me around and told me her house was my house I was ale to wash all my clothes in a real washing machine not like I have been doing for the last week.....she showed me where things were in the kitchen and as she knows Sharon my land lady we skyped and talked to Sharon and then she also told me if i wanted to call my family in England she has a plan and the call was free so I called and spoke to Janet for a while my brother was nice to connect.....and then of course it was tea time with real milk....and i went to bed around 11.30pm tired but happy and guess what no Olympians in the room!!!!
This morning I woke up are not going to believe it!!
Had cereal and eggs for breakfast and Estitxu is the first person i have met who eats corn flakes with chocolate milk!
She then took me to her school as she had to go there to get some papers
and dropped me off to explore the city!!!
My first stop was the Guggenheim Museum
I think you know I am not all that keen on museums preferring the open outdoors but this was amazing not only on the outside but inside one of the shows was an exhibition of Yoko Ono.....I was happy to get half price admission for a senior they give you the audio
and i spent 2 hours here and really enjoyed myself is hard to describe the building just so different Google it for all the details!!
That last photo was all beautiful flowers!!
I then toured other sights
Instead of paying 14 Euros I decided for 2 Euros to take the tram and tour the city and I did enjoy!!
and then went back to the tourist office to have some more questions when who do I meet coming out but Eliza!!!!! So happy to see each other and we went for a drink
and then went together to the cultural center
For a snack tomorrow!!
With hugs and bets of seeing each other again we parted company and I walked through the old part of town and home for 6pm
Estitxu was marking papers so I am sat in the living room in a leather reclining arm chair with a foot stool writing this...I know a pilgrim's life is a tough one!!!!
So a day of rest and it was a good feeling to leave Wolf at home and also my i am planning the next stages i am done with the high hill climbs and should be back by the ocean soon....I feel energized and ready to go tomorrow I have bought fruit, meat and have my drinks in the fridge for tomorrow...
Things i learned today.
The Camino does in fact provide.
Bilbao is a vibrant city
I have great friends
New friends become good friends very quickly
Yashi Kochi!!!
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