When I left you last night I was in the arm chair in front of a 52 inch TV watching Spain get humiliated in soccer...they have been the powerhouse of soccer for the last few years but I think it is time for change.
When I checked in yesterday afternoon i noticed a family behind me waiting to check in they were a really nice looking family Mum and Dad and a daughter about 17 years old.....they looked to be upper class and friendly.
As I was watching the game last night the Dad came and sat on a chair next to me he spoke perfect English and the daughter was at the table and she appeared to be engrossed in making leather wrist wraps......as the goals went in against Spain the groans got louder and then just before the game ended the daughter came up to me and gave me this
and said in perfect English"Now you have an angel to watch over you on the way"
Not often I am overcome and at a loss for words but this was one of those times....I just stood up said thank you so very much and she pecked me on the cheek.
I know I shall never see this young lady again but to me her act was one of pure love and to come from someone so beautiful and innocent.....where ever you are and where ever you go I hope your life is blessed.
The game soon ended with Spain virtually eliminated from the World cup and many Spanish faces will be long today.
Had another really great sleep and I was soaking in the tub at 6.30 am this morning....my leg felt much better but i could just feel a little tweak I am so glad I spent a lot of time icing it last night.
I went down to breakfast and oh my goodness what a spread everything and I sat and gorged myself looking out at the wonderful ocean and some food found it's way into my lunch box...this was a very classy and lovely treat for me.
I have been thinking about not staying in hostels and what it means in the long run and the observations I have made.....so far I am the oldest person I have seen on the Camino most are 30 -40 years younger and I guess some of them are on a budget so they stay in hostels and I know some just enjoy the commaraderie of hostel life but for me I do need to get a good nights sleep to complete this journey and having a bath tub sure helps so I am not feeling guilty about where I stay...I am sure this journey can be done which ever you want to do it!!
I had my leg taped and I was on the road by 9am and I felt good..so easy you get up put on your shoes and go out and walk!!!
The first few km were dreadful on this highway
I saw this guy from a distance
and he was waving his arm up and down in a very military like fashion and I thought boy he is doing a great job and as I got closer his graceful swinging of the flag continued till I got closer and realized why
This is what the real worker does!!
OK some history here......about 15 years ago when I first met Linda and Guy I also met in the same Mexican town Stella,her daughter Caron and Caron's two young sons...we all formed a bond that is still going strong today and we usually manage to get together once a year...as you know Stella came to SMA 2 days before I left and stayed for three weeks in my Casita and Caron and her Husband John are going to stay in my Casita for the month of July(how nice).....anyway Caron e mailed me and told me that when she and her Mum and her sister Pauline who is Ashley the tennis player's Mum(still with me??) walked the Camino last year they stayed in a hostel near to where I was walking so this morning i passed by the hostel
went in and spoke to the man and asked to look through the guest book and who did I find????
Glad to say soon off that nasty highway and onto coastal paths easier on my leg and being by the ocean good therapy enjoy the photos!!!!
For those pilgrims who do not stay in hotels.
This is the town Llanes that I am heading for.
I walked through town and found a nice hotel for me to stay in for 35Euros!!!
by know you all know the routine when I get to a room in this order
take a photo
get some milk and have tea
get the laundry done
get some ice for my leg
have a snooze
and then go for a walk around town
this is not one of the more impressive towns but still pleasant.
In town I met up with the Irish girl from yesterday and we chatted and she told such a funny story of what happened to her today..she decided to take a short cut through a field not knowing there were cows and a bull over the hill and she is terrified of bulls so when she saw this bull she just froze got out her phone and texted her Dad and asked him if bulls were OK if they were with cows and calves...so funny can you imagine!!!
Came back and let me tell you that bathtub is a perfect fit!!!
It is now almost 7pm and time to post this and then go into this fancy restaurant and treat myself
and then go here for a big game tonight England V Uruguay!!!
and at half time come to the room make tea and eat this!!!!!
This one is for you Ms.Scholey!!!
I walked at a slower pace today and my leg is OK still a bit of a tweak but well iced and bandaged and I am fine..I have been on the Way now two weeks and with 24km today cracked the 400km mark today 406...a couple of more days and I shall be half way through.
Spain crowned a new King today but i saw not one celebration aywhere just glum soccer faces!!!
I miss this kid hope she is doing well!!
Hope you are doing OK Eliza I think in two days I shall have a day off..miss you on the way you are my hero!!
Things I learned today
My body is so good to me.
Did I mention I have great friends!!
Yashi Kochi!!!!
You rock Les! :) I'm happy that your Camino way is so amazing :) I'm chasing you :) It's good to have such a useful crip about way ahead. See you soon CaminoKing :)
You rock Les! :) I'm happy that your Camino way is so amazing :) I'm chasing you :) It's good to have such a useful crip about way ahead. See you soon CaminoKing :)
Ok by the weekend for sure you go Queen!!!Les
Ok by the weekend for sure you go Queen!!!Les
I have been reading you for along time! I and enjoying your journey on the camino! Thank you so much for sharing!! Love the pics!
I have been reading you for along time! I and enjoying your journey on the camino! Thank you so much for sharing!! Love the pics!
thanks for all the kind words les
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