Went to my dental appointment day but it was just for impressions for my teeth I go back on the 14th June for huge and last appointment. Sara and I spent the whole day in her yard she was working on the front of the yard and I did the grass and weeded out the back a long day but it looks really good…tonight is a movie night…
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday 30th May 2011….this is how to start a day!!
With an e mail from Robin in SMA and about my girls!!!
Gotta tell you that if I emailed you each time the girls asked about you, I'd be doing nothing but that.
Our pattern has become, "When is Les coming back?"
In 6 months and 7 days.
In 6 months and 6 days.
In 6 months and 5 days...
Your permanent home is here, we think!
Safe and happy travels, dear soul!
We all love you to pieces!
They have a quarterly Birthday party at Casa Hogar for the girls with Birthdays in the three months before and here is my Daniela!!
Here she is with her younger sister Lupita!!
Had another great and quiet sleep and drove to the ferry terminal and caught the 10 am ferry to Victoria!!
It was just over 90 minute ride to
Where I spent the afternoon walking around town then went to the Aquatic centre and swam and and showered and then drove to
and found a place to park
whilst I went to the show.
It really was a great performance high energy and uplifting!!!
After the show I drove the 45 minutes to Sara’s house where I am staying for a couple of days….I have promised yard work and tomorrow going to a play….it was good to see Sara again she just got home from working away for a month…….all in all a great weekend!!!
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Sunday 29th May 2011…on the road again!!
Had a great sleep and actually woke up to sun!!!!!
Larry was kind enough to finish off caulking my shower and I now know it is done properly and a completely professional job.
Gail cooked another great breakfast and by 11.30am I was on the road…thanks Gail and Larry for all your kindness to me it is like coming home when I see you and you always make me feel so welcome!!!!
I wanted to visit another provincial Park and a waterfall so I drove the 40 km to
There were 400 steps up the waterfall side
The views of the raging falls were very impressive!!
Check out the rainbow!!!
I really enjoyed this little hike and to feel and see and hear the pounding water was spectacular!!!
Free weeks subscription to the blog first one to spot Ramona!!
Need some help?
This was on the entry road to the Park
I was soon back on the Connector the road that I took four days ago and was covered with snow this is how it looked today!
Not so the Coquihalla Pass I went from sun to snow
hail and thundershowers with the occasional lightening strike!!!!
It was good to get off the mountain pass and back to dry roads and decent weather.
Over the Winter one of the blogs I follow is Wondering Willey
I have never met the writer, Bill, but knew he lived close to where I was passing by and I had e mailed him yesterday to see if he was up for a visit and he was and I stopped by to visit with him late afternoon.
This photo is taken from Bill’s Blog!!
Bill is a neat guy who has been RVing Mexico for years but a few years ago his wife got really sick and she is today in a care facility and not in a good way….. but Bill’s family encouraged him to continue wintering down south and he still does.
Even though he is a Canucks fan we had a great visit and it was good to put a face to a fellow blogger!!
I then continued on towards Vancouver and stopped here at the Visitors Centre in Mission for the evening.
Just had a bite to eat and now going to watch a movie…..I had a lovely day yet again!!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Saturday 28th May 2011….another fun packed day!!!
Still overcast and it rained most of the night. I went to the local farmers market this morning
It wasn’t too busy..
Came back home and then walked down to Costco and came back and Larry was helping me out by re-caulking the shower in Ramona!!
He won’t take any money but do you think I should buy him a new jacket??
It was now noon and that could only mean one thing…the start of the huge live soccer game from England…it was a great game and the Spanish team Barcelona came out on top.
In the afternoon Larry’s 2nd cousin Stacey and her husband Dave came for a visit. Then Ron another friend came over and we had a great time visiting and exchanging travel stories and Gail cooked this incredible turkey dinner and followed it by presenting me with a belated birthday cake!!
Check out that cake!!!!
Thanks so much Gail and Larry!!!
I leave here in the morning heading back towards Vancouver and not sure yet where I shall stay I have to be in Victoria Monday night as I have a ticket for a show but not telling you what show till after I have been!!!!
Will try and blog tomorrow blessings Les
Friday, May 27, 2011
Friday 27th May 2011…It is Official……I AM A BRUINS FAN!!!!!
Boston Bruins beat Tampa bay to have the honour of facing those pesky Canucks in the Stanley Cup finals slated to commence next Wednesday.
Stay tuned!!!!!!!
Had a good sleep and after breakfast I went out with Larry to view a couple of his properties that he needed to check out.
I can recommend Larry for all your property needs if in this area. It was interesting to view properties in other areas of BC.
In the afternoon I went for a great long walk
The river was flowing fast and high!!
Some of the sights along the trail..
In the afternoon Gail and Larry had a surprise visitor Gail’s brother in law, Vern who lives in Smoke Lake, Alberta, which is where we all met and I also know Vern. He was doing a road trip on his Harley!!!!
The bottom tip of the top pin is about where Smoky Lake is located.
We all went out for dinner and thanks for the treat Vern!!
Came home and I had to finish watching the hockey game and now getting ready for game 1!!!!
Gail and I stayed up and watched the Kings Speech I had seen this before but Gail had not but it was worth watching again.
So another good day done….
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Thursday 26th May 2011….Winter wonderland!!!
Had a great sleep even though it rained most of the night and the morning drive was in rain till I got to the Kelowna Connector!!!
Here the weather changed to snow, ice and fog these photos were taken on a stretch of road about 10 miles long!!
This really was a nasty part of the trip I haven’t driven in conditions like this for years… now I know why I go to Mexico for the Winter!!!!!
After the summit the weather eased and the first view of the lake!
The bridge over the lake into Kelowna..
Ramona resting after the ordeal I put her through outside Gail and Larry’s Casa!!
It is always so nice to come here G & L have been friends of mine for nearly 30 years and we had a lot of catching up to do. Whilst I helped Larry install some new fixtures in the bathroom..Ok Ok so I just passed him a tool or two…Gail cooked a great meatloaf and all is well!!!!!
Thursday 5 th January 2023…it was a great run!!!
This was my first ever blog post back in November of 2006!!! With just a couple of days off I have written a blog every day since and I hav...

I had no big plans for today Janet works in the charity shop on a Monday and Malc plays golf...so I enjoyed a slow and good breakfast with t...
Finally I think I figured it out..my computer is very sick and I need a new hard drive so my techie ordered one but will take a few days to ...
I come from a family of six generation Salvation Army born and raised and I am thankful for the upbringing I had and I think along with my ...