Well another good sleep and this morning it was time to tackle this

Heather came to the rescue and asked if she could help and she did it all on her own I am so happy what a job!!!

and I still have room!!!!
Boomer and I went on a long hike to

It is lovely walking around the point…

I have decided if and when I grow up and settle down I will get a dog…Boomer is a “chick” magnet!!! At least 4 women stopped and their words were…Oh how beautiful!!!! of course I asked if they were referring to me or the dog and they all said of course the DOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We walked 13 km and Boomer was great!!!!!
Tonight Heather cooked a lovely dinner and then I had a long soak in the tub!!!
This is a brief summary of my stops on the ship
Astoria Oregon where I am going to go on the free river walk and trolley ride.
San Diego I have booked a mountain bike 3 hour ride.
Hilo Hawaii I have booked a private 5 hour tour to Volcano National Park and some waterfalls….this is with a man who comes really well recommended and he just takes 4 people on his tours so I paid for the whole thing now I have to fine 3 others on the ship willing to join me I think that will not be a problem.
Honolulu I have booked a small compact car for the day to see some volcanoes and waterfalls.
Apia I plan to hire a taxi and visit about 7 waterfalls.
Suva will be a walking tour to some swim holes.
Lautoka I have hired a scooter for the day.
Tadine another walking tour on my own to some more water holes this will be a short stop as this is the only stop where we get tendered into the port.
Sydney and Melbourne I will just tour the city as I shall be coming back here in January.
Hobart I have hired a car for the whole day to see a National park and some historic buildings.
Then there are 5 stops in New Zealand before I dis embark in Wellington on 5th November.
Sounds like fun right???
Was not able to get any photos of the eclipse tonight but it was awesome!!!!

A supermoon lunar eclipse will put on a show tonight -- marking the first time the spectacle has occurred in more than three decades.
A supermoon occurs when a full moon happens when it is at the closest point in its elliptical orbit around Earth, making the full moon appear up to 14 percent larger and brighter than usual. A lunar eclipse occurs when the moon passes into Earth's shadow, often turning a blood red color.
What Makes a Full Moon So Special
The coincidence of events is so rare it won't be seen again until 2033, making it a can't-miss event tonight for sky gazers. As an added bonus, it will appear in prime time for many in the United States, meaning there's no need to set your alarm for the middle of the night.

Yashi Kochi!!!