So nothing eventful happened in the morning Jackie made a wonderful breakfast and we sat and chatted and then she kindly drove me to the Mexican Consulate which is downtown Vancouver on the way according to Jackie we pass the infamous corner which is famed to be the worst corner in Canada…

Many sad homeless and addicted people but it is safe to walk these streets!!

Jackie dropped me right outside the Consulate

I was in plenty of time for for scheduled 12 noon appointment.
I think I was expecting a flurry of activity and commotion but I was the only person there and it was very personal…I went to the window and carefully handed over all the documentation that I needed…I had studied the list over and over and I was sure I had everything I needed…..the correct size black and white photo, the photo copy of my passport, my passport and bank statement for the last year showing that I had an income of over 99000 dollars…..these I handed to the lady and that is when the problem arose….I had gotten the right bank statement, originals and copies dating from January 2012 to December 2012…all duly authorized…but the lady is telling me they need the documents for the last year meaning I needed to have this year’s January and February statements and signed copies……I panicked for a second asked them what time they closed and they said in one hour….I asked if I could leave my suitcase and out of the building I dashed. I hailed the first cab and asked him to take me to the nearest TD Canada trust bank which was about 6 blocks away… the branch I asked for assistance but they told me I needed to go to TD Canada Trust Waterhouse the investment brokerage branch…OK where is it…3 blocks I quickly walked there and went in an explained my dilemma and this lovely young lady asked me to come in to her office and after showing my identification she immediately pulled up my accounts and printed off what I needed..perfect many thanks and I was out of there..hailed another cab and about 20 minutes later I was back at the Consulate.
Handed in these documents, I was fingerprinted and photographed and asked to wait for my interview with the Consular!!!! That took me for a little loop I never thought there would be like an interview….anyway a few minutes I was called into the office and he was a young and very friendly Consular…I explained in my best Spanish that I did not speak too well but I practice every day and I was sorry…he smiled and said “I appreciate that you try we can talk in English”.
He asked me why I had chosen Mexico to live, where I was going and some back ground questions…..he was a really kind man and about 5 minutes he stood up and shook my hand and told me he would be happy to give me the visa!!!
I thanked him and went back to the original lady and paid a fee of 38 dollars and told I could come back in 24 hours and pick up my passport with the visa!!!!
So now I really am the MEXICOKID!!!!!! I am thrilled and proud to be a visa holder and temporary resident of Mexico.
I walked about 4 blocks and then got on a bus that took me to the ferry terminal about 15 minutes away….again a senior rate of $2.75……

It really has proved to be an easy city to get around….I paid $15.00 dollars for the ferry in May when I turn that certain year I will get free ferry rides during the week!
I was hungry so went to a restaurant in the bay for a snack and this was taken out of the window!!

The ferry left on time at 3pm


I have done this

many times around this head land

The harbor…

At 4.45pm we pulled into the harbor in Nanaimo and lovely Heather was there to greet me.
A little bit of history about my Family on the Bank!!!
About 9 years ago when I was working as a caregiver with Roy I was approached by Heather to see if I could spend some time with her father in law, Ken…and I did..after Roy passed away I spent much more time with Ken he was a wonderful, kind, gentle happy soul troubled with memory and other issues….we spent hours together and he was a joy to be with…I even stayed with him full time for a month whilst the family went on a month’s long motor home tour of Canada….So Ken’s son, Kirby, Heather his wonderful wife, and their three kids Ben, Alex and Zach and been a huge part of my life and about 4 years ago they sat me down and told me that when ever I was in Nanaimo my room in their incredible waterfront home was in fact my room…so for these past few years this has been my home base and I feel so honored and blessed to have been with the family…… be a part of watching the boys grow into fine young men…. as part of the family…..their street name is now you know when I say my Family on the bank the rest of the story!!!

My room on the Bank!!

The view from my room!!!

closer view from my room.
The whale tail shape is hundreds of birds feeding on herring!!
It was great to see Kirby and the boys again and Heather cooked a wonderful meal

and of course Boomer had missed me too!!!!

and the evening was filled with stories and catching up…Great to be HOME!!!!
Yashi Koshi!!