Another great sleep and again on the road by 8am with another sunny day. After a few miles of driving I crossed from Nevada into Utah and the scenery also changed.
Notice anything yet?
My first stop was at a lovely town called Cedar City here I found the cheapest gas so far $2.75 a gallon…I also found a free dump station to empty the tanks and also filled up with fresh I was all set for a few days in the canyons.
Anything yet?
I was back on the road and was heading for the area around Bryce Canyon and I stopped at Red Canyon in the Dixie National Forest….this is a beautiful area and I parked in the Visitors service lot and went inside and asked for a good afternoon hike and was given instructions for a 5 mile hike through the Ponderosa forests and up into the hoodoos.
The views were absolutely spectacular and you can see them for your self by googling Red Canyon, Dixie National Forest.
That was a big hint!!!
It was lovely and sunny but again I had trouble hiking up as the elevation got to me and I had to make frequent stops there was a gain of around 900 feet….
The hike was a wonderful journey and there was no one else at all on the trail.
After the hike I came back to Ramona and sat out in the sun and read some of my book….
I have mentioned this lady before but here goes again…her name is Marianne Edwards and she has written 4 incredible e books on Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas..I have camped free at so many great places because of her books please visit her web site…
So I picked a forested site out of Marianne’s book and it is off the main road about half a mile in a lovely forest, very quiet and secluded and I arrived here around 5pm
Decided to get cleaned up with a long shower and shave
Did some more re-arranging of the cupboards I must have done this hundreds of times in the last three years!!
Had a great supper, wrote the blog then
and then watched a movie….
It was really a good day I enjoyed the walking after three days of driving and my mileage for today was just 155 miles.
So you must have noticed by now…
Yes I did something I never do and it was really stupid!!!!!
I downloaded the photos from my camera card directly onto the computer and then into Picasa and before I edited the photos I took out the memory card put it back in my camera and then deleted the shots ready for tomorrow…back to Picasa and I tried to edit the shots a different way and BOOM ….lost of the photos…I have searched this computer for over one hour, recycle bin everywhere and if they are here I cannot find them….sorry about that but a good lesson and one mistake I shall not make again….
Tomorrow is a big day and one more off my Bucket List check list …Bryce Canyon!!!!!!
It is now Friday morning and I am in the visitors centre of Bryce Cannon and there is WiFi..I have just spoken to the Ranger here and have my day all planned it is lovely and sunny although a bit cool supposed to get to 68 degrees today… is good!!
Take a new photo and write down the file number of that photo. Open Windows Explorer and do a "search" for a file that is numbered two or three lower than the new photo. Start - Search should get you to the same place. This should be the file name of one of the lost photos.
They are probably not lost - just misplaced.
If that fails, take a junk photo, put the card into the computer and start to download it. Watch carefully and it will tell you where it is saving it. That location is probably where it saved the previous photos.
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