Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday 16th March 2012……a slow day!!!

Woke up feeling just a tad blue and lonely..these feelings come by once in a very long while and I know how to deal with them…a long walk… so I did three laps of the beach…thought about things past and present and future and re-assured myself that I have so much to be thankful for and that I live a charmed and joyous life………felt much better..had some tea and toast and went by the pool and finished my book!!

Spent some time doing some Ramona chores and then went on Bonita to another beach…


Another sleepy little town!!



Puts a whole new meaning to the words drive through car wash!!!



What a difference in the beach here to where I am staying… vendors at all and only a few people!!




Shortly after these shots the sun went behind clouds and never returned again which gave me time to reflect on my feet!!!


With out a doubt I have inherited my Mum’s what can only be described as ugly feet!!!!

This is a Frigate bird


They have an interesting lifestyle below taken from Wikipedia!!










The frigate bird (also known as the man of war bird and the pirate bird) is a species of sea-bird found in warmer, tropical regions. Frigate birds are thought to be most closely related to pelicans giving rise to another name for them, which is the frigate pelican.

The frigate bird is a large species of sea-bird that has an enormous wingspan that often exceeds two meters in length. Male frigate birds are most commonly known for their red throat pouch, which are inflated to attract female frigate birds during the mating season.

Frigate birds are generally black in colour although some frigate birds look slightly browner than black. Outside of the mating season, male frigate birds and female frigate birds can be easily identified due to the fact that the female frigate bird has a white patch on her underside.

There are five different species of frigate bird that inhabit tropical islands and coasts, with the majority of frigate bird individuals being found in the Pacific Ocean although some do inhabit areas of both the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. The magnificent frigate bird, the Ascension frigate bird, the Christmas frigate bird, the great frigate bird and the lesser frigate bird are the five different frigate bird species.

The frigate bird has the largest wingspan in comparison to it's body of any bird species in the world, so the frigate bird is naturally an adept pilot. Frigate birds have been known to stay in the air for nearly a whole week and only land on the rocky cliffs to breed or to rest.

Unlike the incredible flying ability of the frigate bird, the frigate bird is unable to walk that well and cannot swim. Frigate birds have a diet that consists of marine animals and so frigate birds have to pluck their prey from the water without landing as they are unable to take-off from a flat surface such as water.

Frigate birds are sea-birds and therefore tend to have a meat-based carnivorous diet. Firgatebirds primarily eat fish including flying fish, along with crustaceans, molluscs and even small sea turtles.

Due to the large size of the frigate bird and the fact that the frigate bird spends the majority of it's life in the air, frigate birds have few natural predators with humans being the main predator of the frigate bird. Introduced species such as rats, stoats and domestic cats are commonly found hunting frigate birds and their eggs on the land.

Female frigate birds lay only one egg every couple of years as the frigate bird chicks taken an average of 9 months to rear. Both the male frigate bird and the female frigate bird feed their chick for the first few months but the male frigate bird will then leave the colony leaving the female frigate bird to do the rest of the rearing by herself.

I was home this time before dark..all cleaned up and ready for my nightly movie!!!!!

1 comment:

animalsbirds said...

Thursday 5 th January 2023…it was a great run!!!

 This was my first ever blog post back in November of 2006!!! With just a couple of days off I have written a blog every day since and I hav...