A delight to wake up to a sunny day and to know that I had been a good boy because I had pressies from Santa!!

Sara and I had a nice morning..poached eggs for breakfast and we exchanged a few presents and then got all the drinks and cookies ready to take to Casa Hogar….when we got there the girls were all doing chores and Sara went into the kitchen and made the hot apple and cranberry punch and I set up the tables and put out the cookies….all the girls seemed to enjoy the treats…..thanks to the special angels who provided that!!!
Soon Santa arrived and every girl got to sit on his knee as they received a present..here is Paola..

and Daniela
All the girls were thrilled with the items in their stockings and they share and play so well together..this is Daniela’s sister Lupita

One of the guests brought her little dog which was a great hit with the girls..

Sara and Santa

Robin and Santa

The 5 Madres that look after the girls are so giving of their love and time that they sometimes get forgotten so I bought 5 bottle of hand lotion one for each them…

Yours truly!!!

So many special stories at this time of the year……a friend of mine in the RV park, Janelle, her sister is an artist and made 12 beautiful necklaces m of out nails they were really pretty and she had wrapped each one and included a story on them in Spanish, she wanted them to be given to some of the girls so Robin picked out the 12 oldest girls and here they are with their necklaces!!!

Here is another moving story and I think I have these facts correct…..Daniela and her sister Lupita have been in Casa Hogar for a few years both their mother and father are in prison. Apparently last night their Grandmother passed away and as the family members gathered also in attendance was Daniela and Lupita’s God mother who they have not seen since the baptism and the God mother did not know where the girls were. At the gathering she was informed about the location of the girls and today she came to introduce herself to the Madres and the girls…the girls were just thrilled to know of her and see her…

It was a wonderful time and thanks to so many people the girls had a happy time….Sara and I came home and did some sunbathing then we jointly cooked a lovely chicken supper

watched some TV and there it was another lovely day!!!
My special friends in Port Alberni, Barb and Paco sent me this photo today

This is just a crazy lovely photo….Barb and Paco are usually somewhere in Mexico at this time of year and actually they were right here in SMA 2 years ago…this year due to some medical problems they were unable to travel but you can see from the above where they really wanted to be!!!!!
Lastly I want to thank to everyone for making this a special time of the year, friends who have donated money for Casar Hogar, friends who have sent me beautiful gifts, Heather and Kirby thanks…I am so blessed to have such special people who enrich my life.
To my brother Malc and Janet a special hello to you it was great to talk to you tonight…we are many miles apart but we have always been close and i want you to know that I love and miss you both…blessings to all!!!