Let me catch up from yesterday before I write about today…..
So Thursday morning Sara had a tennis lesson here at the RV park. I don’t know if I have mentioned that there are three clay tennis courts here that are well used. Anyway one of my losing bets was to get Sara a lesson and she really enjoyed the one hour of whacking a ball!!!!.
I drove up to Linda and Guy”s home and had a visit with them and left the car there and walked back. Obviously this was way too much for me because when I got back my favourite lounger was free and before long I was gone…
The next thing I know if this familiar voice calling my name and there were my friends who live in Campbell River, Norma and Croft.
It was great to see them and because their motor home is over 30 feet it couldn't get in the gate here so they are in another RV park about ten minutes away.
They got to meet Sara for the first time and then we decided to go out for supper to the steakhouse and had a great evening.
Norma and Croft are going to be in SMA for a month so that will be nice and I am sure we will have some good times together.
Then it was time for the nightly game this time scrabble and even Sara is now getting embarrassed at all her wins she is trying to be incognito!!!!
This is really getting too much for me…so I foolishly challenged her to another game…
Same result…
different celebration!!!! You think I would learn by now..anyway that was Thursday now onto today.
Linda and Guy wanted to get Sara and I a Christmas gift and they decided on paying for a day trip to Guanajuato with Jaime as our guide and driver. I have had trips with Jaime before and he is so great and his local knowledge makes the trips so much more interesting. Thank you so much Linda and Guy!!!
Jaime came for us at 9 am and about one hour later we were marvelling at this view!!
There is a great deal of history of the city and of this man El Pipila!! Please check the Internet and read up if you wish.
Jaime is so knowledgeable and knows all about the history of the area and his English is better than mine.
The following are some photos of the city….
The legend goes that if you kiss someone on these steps you have seven years of good luck……maybe I might win a game tonight!!!!
The next stop was
This was a fascinating stop and we learned about his work and a lot of them were like three dimensional works. You look at the painting from the left side and then the right side and it appears to have have moved, quite amazing.
This is a replica of his famous mural in Mexico City.
No day would be complete for Sara without a visit to a market!!!
One bowl, one serviette holder and one spinning top later…
A Christmas tree made solely of Poinsettias
We even had the chance to see the Parliament in session. Better behaved than those in Canada!!!
About 2.30 pm and time for lunch Jaime and Sara
and our meals!!
Sara always washes her hands after a meal!!!
The last stop was to the outside of a working gold mine.
The old foundations…who is that on the wall
could it be…….Her Winningness???
I am offering a prize of a free life time membership to my blog for the best caption to this photo!!!!! I know what mine would be but I am afraid to print it!!!
A nice photo for the last one.
Linda and Guy…..Sara and I want to thank you so much for a wonderful gift that will stay with us for a very long time!!!!!
We didn’t get back till 6pm and it was a memorable day and now the games begin….
Tomorrow morning we leave the RV park and go over to Linda and Guy’s beautiful casa as they are going to be visiting their family in the USA for 2 months. So I shall be house sitting, a tough job I know.
Sara leaves early Monday morning so we shall have a couple of days to enjoy the house and the neighbourhood.
Sorry for the long post hope you had had much reading it as we did experiencing the days.
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