What a shock to my system..woke up to a beautiful day having breakfast AND no tennis, soccer, or hockey to watch what am I going to do? Wait till 5pm tonight when there is a soccer game!!!
So I went to Linda and Guy’s casa and did some work there getting it ready for their return I also had to climb on top of the closets for a box do not ask why …anyway got everything but I was a bit dirty and my shorts were also so I figured I was going to be here for about an hour time to wash my shorts and hang them outside to dry so I did and then I realized I had no shorts to wear so I just got my lounger out of the laundry room and sunbathed for a while yes in the all together!!!!!! Sorry no photos ladies after all this is a family blog!!!!! E mail me if you want photos and I will send them to you 50 pesos each!!!
I did not mention it yesterday but when I had approval to take Daniela out last Saturday I thought that was in addition to my regular day which was yesterday but I was wrong and I was told by staff at Casa Hogar that I could not see her yesterday but today at CH they were holding the quarterly Birthday party for the girls and I was invited..so that is where I went this afternoon. It was a a strange feeling walking into the hall again after nearly 7 months I used to organize Christmas, valentine and all other kinds of events there but due to circumstances I have not been since before Christmas.
When I walked in I felt like a million dollars all the girls came rushing up to me for hugs..the smaller girls I know so well because for one winter I drove them to and from school everyday…they are awesome. There was Daniela looking so beautiful and waiting for me it was so wonderful to see her she grows every day I am sure.
The girls were all so happy and of course the big event was the Piñata..it did not last long enough for me to get a photo but here is the aftermath!!!
It was a fun time and I was happy to spend a few extra minutes with Daniela!!
Came home and watered all the plants, did some laundry and starting getting my stuff together for the trip…the plan is to see Paola on Wednesday morning then earn some gas money at Poker and leave right after I reckon I can get to Guadalajara before dark.
Red 5 is my destination Puerto Penasco!!
At 5pm I was settled on the couch with ice tea and chips and watched the final live soccer game from Brazil between the host country and the World cup champions Spain…it was no contest and the home team prevailed…..I have to laugh after watching all these hockey games where the players are checked and hacked and fall down spitting out teeth, they get up right away and skate off the ice where as these players of the most beautiful game on earth, get tripped and roll over and over and over lie there like they have been steam rolled..such a farce!!
memories today are from
my ferry ride to the remote west coast of Vancouver island a few years ago!!
Last year in the beautiful Italian city of San Gimignano…
One of my hikes in the Scottish Highlands last August!!!
Yashi Koshi!!