Thursday, February 04, 2010

Thursday 4th February 2010……what a day!!!

After doing my 7.30am school run and getting completely drenched

feb4 002 twice I immediately went to the local hard ware store and bought one of these!!!!


No one can believe the rain that has come down in the last three days.  At 10am this morning the local authorities closed all the schools and sent the children home.  The major roads are very wet and the side roads are flooded and muddy but my trusty stead Bonita got me home safely.  It was going to be a easy relaxing day that is until I decided to do a load of laundry!!!!

This was the sight waiting for outside the steps of the laundry room..

feb4 004

about 9 inches of water that was not flowing down the drain and the laundry room was flooded by about 2 inches of water.

Now I want you to meet my new best friend..

feb4 005

I surveyed the situation and decided that the only course of action was to strip down to my shorts and crocs (now calm down Sara!!!) and get wet and dirty and get rid of the water……WELL…..AFTER 245 BUCKETS LOADS OF WATER….yes I counted them I eventually had the water all gone.  I mopped the laundry room and checked to see that the machines were still working and they were.  Now I have to wait and see why the water was not draining away and to check to see if the level rises.

The best news of the day is that by 6pm the rain had stopped and sunny skies are in the future……so lets wait and see.

So didn’t do my laps today but did get a bit of a workout……and I thought I was retired!!!!

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