Thursday, January 31, 2008

Well day 70 of my journey proved to be filled with some amount of pain and good news. I was doing my usual swim this afternoon when I became tangled with a Portugese man of war, they are like a blue bubble jelly fish with strings that extend 20 to 25 feet in the water. I never saw it and became entangled with it. The pain starts right away and the string was around my back and neck and I managed to get clear of it and swim to shore. Being of the male variety I don't do pain very well and my neck, back and fingers were stinging like crazy. Getting back to my towel I decided to walk the few hundreds yards into town where I knew there was a pharmacy with a doctor. On arrival there I was told to wait in the doctor's waiting room and after about five minutes she saw me. First of all I told her that I only had a little money on me and what had happened to me. She examined me and took my vitals signs and wrote out two prescriptions for me and told me I could come back later and pay. I went home showered and applied the ointment and took the pills and the pain eased.

It is now 6 hours later and I am completely well a little pain on my back and some sting marks but nothing else. The cost for the doctor's examination, pills and cream was 40 dollars which I went in to pay this evening. Only in Mexico what great care I received.

I am parked in the drive way of a friend's apartment and leave tomorrow for Puerto Vallarta and really think I was lucky as the stings could have been much worse and the treatment was first classs, blessings..

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