Friday, November 30, 2018
(Backup) Friday 30th November afternoon ride!!!
Thursday, November 29, 2018
Thursday 29th November 2018.....rain rain go away!!!
Not had a day like this for a long started raining yesterday afternoon and continued through the night and still coming down....
Obviously my tennis was cancelled this morning and so I did something I rarely do..stayed home!!!
Took my time over breakfast listening to my music.....did some computer work and worked a bit more on the Three Kings project.....
Went through every drawer and cupboard and sorted some things out..
Did a load of laundry...
Started to read the new John Grisham book...thanks to my friend Croft for sending it to started off in an exciting and different way!!!
Looked at some of my African safari phots..what memories!!!!
This phot is etched in my memory..this elephant came up to me and was no more than five feet away..a truly awesome memory!!!
I forgot to post these photos from yesterday...this tree is not in the main Jardin, there is nothing there yet but in another plaza..I bet it looks great at night!!!
Thought you might enjoy this little cartoon!!
I might even venture out with the umbrella ☂....
Yashi Kochi!!
Wednesday, November 28, 2018
Wednesday 28th November 2018..what is that outside?????
Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Tuesday 27th November 2018...Giving Tuesday!!!
A perfect morning for a great two hours of tennis...always good fun...the occasional sensation shot..and always lots of snide comments!!!!
Home in time to change and to drive Pili to get Little Bluey to go up to the huge Tuesday market to pick up the 200 purses.....
this is the second year we have used Fabiola to purchase the bags from..she is very reliable and had the bags ready for me......
They look great..all different colours..
And all contain these items!!!
Next on my agenda was a cuppa whilst watching live soccer from Italy!!
Then off to Bo’s house for four hours of Mexican Train....a great game and lots of fun!!!
Today is Giving Tuesday...
So I placed my Three Kings article again on the Civil list for the local community to see and already I have to pick up three more donations tomorrow!!!
Yashi Kochi!!!!
Monday, November 26, 2018
Monday 26th November......the start of a busy week!!!
Almost the end of the month which for me has gone by at lightening speed.
One of my friends Bill and his wife Jeanette do a great volunteer job at one of the schools out in the Campo....not only do they volunteer their time but they also pay for a lot of the items at the school.....this school is one of the schools where we will be delivering toys for Three Kings so I had an opportunity to go and visit the school this morning..
When I arrived all the children were having their breakfast/lunch.....there is another organization in town called Feed the Hungry and they have drivers deliver meals to the schools each school day and then the cooks at the school heat up and serve the meals....
They all look happy...great to see them all in school uniforms!!
There are six grades of children and they divide into two groups and have a teacher for each of the three grades......I met both teachers and explained what we will be doing for the school..they were so happy!!
I must say the school, buildings, facilities were all in great shape!!!
From there I went to this organization!!
This is a huge community project that delivers dental care to students in the outlying districts.....I met the CEO and explained to her what I wanted to achieve and she wanted me to send her the article I placed in the local paper two weeks ago and she said she will forward it to the people on her mailing list....a good contact!!!
Next up was my visit to the gym and Aaron put me through the works yet again....always feel good when I am finished!!
Home in time to change and off to English class...only two students showed up but it was good in a way as we could have almost a one on one was really proud of them!!!
Now it is time for a shower and a movie!!!!
Yashi Kochi!!
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Sunday 25th November 2018..another one!!!!
Saturday, November 24, 2018
Saturday 24th November 2018....a day to myself!!!
Another wonderful sunny morning to start my day at the tennis courts!!!!!
This was going to be a Pearson appointments and seeing no one, with the exception of going to collect another great donation of 2000 pesos from a man who saw the article in the local paper!!
So I got Pili all ready and away I went on a mystery tour...I used to do these once a week on Little Blackie and I do enjoy going off into the country and taking all the back roads and tracks and seeing where they lead.....hope you enjoy the photos......I parked the scooter and did some lovely hiking!!!
See the church in the distance??
And now a close up!!
Cute shot!!
I was gone all afternoon and Pili performed perfectly!!
Tonight I had leftovers from the Thanksgiving dinner and after a long hot shower relaxed with tea, some carrot cake and a movie!!
A great and happy weekend to you all!!
Yashi Kochi!!!
Friday, November 23, 2018
Friday 23rd November 2018......another week flew by!!!
A quiet Friday really..just relaxed this morning and then this afternoon went to see my eye Doctor for a follow up on the surgery I had two weeks ago....
Doctora Luvina told me that my scars had healed very nicely and that in time the floaters would go away.....she was a little concerned about a tiny pink spot that she did not see on my last visit and she has given me a card chart to bring home and test my eye every day for a month and if I see any changes to make an appointment with her......
She also told me that getting used to progressive glasses is very difficult and will take at least a month.....I like them for distance but for my IPad a tad frustrating!!!
Tonight Gracie and I went to a fancy restaurant El Pergasso in Centro for a surprise birthday party for Gracie’s tenant in her condo...met some new people..great food and a very nice evening!
Walking back to the car we saw two weddings and a whole bunch of Mariachi musicians..this town comes alive at night!!!
Not bad weather here eh????
Yashi Kochi!!
Thursday, November 22, 2018
Thursday 22nd November 2018...Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
Wednesday, November 21, 2018
Wednesday 21st November 2018...quite a day!!!
Today was a busy one.....for doing a lot of chores all over town the scooter is sure the way to go..........
I picked up two very generous donations today one for 2000 pesos and another one for 3500 many kind people!!!
I had an appointment with my eye doctor at 11.30 am but when I arrived I was told she had to go to Queretaro for an emergency so I am scheduled to go back on Friday afternoon.
Did pick up my prescription glasses they are progressive for long medium and short distance...I know they are going to take a bit of getting used to but the long distance seem Ok but not thrilled with the reading and computer parts of the glasses...I will talk to my doctor about this!!
Poker was another win for me this time 100 pesos!!!!
Another wonderful and hard session at the gym!!
For a change I had instructed my English class to meet me close to the railway station tonight at 6pm to see this!!!!!
The Kansas City Southern Mexico Christmas train (KCSR-KCSM) will visit San Miguel and Comonfort as part of the “KCS Christmas Train” tour that will visit 12 cities this year.
Since its launch in 2010, the Christmas Train has visited more than 20 communities on the KCSM rail network and has had more than 40,000 visitors. The Christmas Train consists of two vans decorated with ornaments, a platform car with a birth, a Alto Total cab (Operation Lifesaver), a cabus that commemorates the Mexican Revolution and an ecological locomotive. The whole train is covered with lights.
At each stop, visitors can tour the photo exhibition in the gallery van. You can also watch a Christmas movie on an outdoor screen and receive free soft drinks and gifts. All events are free, open to the public and aim to make the holiday season shine more in disadvantaged communities.
SAN MIGUEL DE ALLENDE Wednesday, November 21 6:30 p.m. Railway Station
COMONFORT Thursday November 22 6:30 p.m. Railway Station
We arrived at the station at 6.15pm and there were thousands of people and little kids around it was total chaos........
We just talked until around 7.15pm when there was no sign of the train and I told them they could go home and that I was sorry it did not work out...they were very kind and said they enjoying getting out!!!
I waited till 8.30 pm and still no train and many people left ..I felt so sorry for all the little kids waiting!!!!
Finished my day with a 30 Pesos 💇♂️ haircut!!!
Yashi Kochi!!!
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Tuesday 20th November 2018..Revolution Day!!!!
Sadly after playing tennis this morning the parade was over but I did go up to the Tuesday Market and see the lady who is putting together the 200 small purses for the older girls for three Kings......I paid her 7000 pesos to go with the 5000 I gave her last week and I can pick up the purses and pay the balance next Tuesday!!!!
I did see a few boys going home dressed in the soldiers outfits with fake moustaches...cute!!!
Revolution Day, (el Día de la Revolución) is celebrated every year in Mexico on November 20th. On this day, Mexicans remember and celebrate the Revolution which started in 1910 and lasted for about ten years. The holiday is sometimes referred to by its date, el veinte de noviembre (the 20th of November). The official date is November 20, but nowadays students and workers get the day off on the third Monday of November, no matter which date it falls on.
This is a national holiday in Mexico in commemoration of the beginning of the Mexican Revolution.
Why November 20?
The revolution began in 1910, initiated by Francisco I. Madero, a reformist writer and politician from the state of Chihuahua, in order to oust President Porfirio Diaz who had been in power for over 30 years. Francisco Madero was one of many people in Mexico who were tired of Diaz' authoritarian rule. The period of Diaz rule is known for its technological and industrial advances, but during that time, a few prospered and many suffered in poverty with very low wages. Along with his cabinet, Diaz was aging while holding tightly to the reins of the country. Madero formed the Anti-Reelectionist Party and ran against Diaz, but the elections were rigged and Diaz won again. Diaz had Madero jailed in San Luis Potosí. Upon his release, he fled to Texas where he wrote the Plan of San Luis Potosi, which urged the people to rise up in arms against the government in order to reinstall democracy in the country.
The date of November 20th at 6 pm was set for the revolt to begin.
A couple of days before the planned date of the insurrection, the authorities discovered that Aquiles Serdan and his family, who lived in Puebla, were planning to participate in the revolution. They had been stockpiling arms in preparation.
The first shots of the revolution were fired on November 18 at their home, which is now the Museo de la Revolución. The rest of the revolutionaries joined the fight on November 20th as planned, and that is still considered the official beginning of the Mexican Revolution.
Outcome of the Mexican Revolution
In 1911, Porfirio Diaz accepted defeat and left office. He departed for Paris where he remained in exile until his death in 1915 at the age of 85. Francisco Madero was elected president in 1911, but he was assassinated just two years later. The revolution would continue until 1920 when Alvaro Obregón became president, and there was relative peace in the country, although outbreaks of violence would continue for several more years, as not everyone was satisfied with the outcome.
One of the mottos of the revolutionaries was "Sufragio Efectivo - No Reelección" which means Effective Suffrage, No Reelection. This motto is still in use in Mexico today and remains an important feature of the political landscape. Mexican presidents serve for a single six-year term and are not eligible for re-election.
Another important slogan and theme of the revolution was "Tierra y Libertad," (Land and Liberty), with many of the revolutionaries hoping for land reform, since much of the property of Mexico was held in the hands of few wealthy landowners, and the vast majority of the population was forced to work for very low wages and in poor working conditions.
Large-scale land reform did come into place with the Ejido system of communal land ownership which was instituted following the revolution, although it was implemented over the course of many years.
20 de Noviembre Events
The Mexican Revolution is seen as the event which forged modern Mexico, and the commemoration of Revolution Day in Mexico is marked with parades and civic ceremonies throughout the country. Traditionally a large parade was held in Mexico City's Zocalo, which was accompanied by speeches and official ceremonies, but in recent years the Mexico City celebrations have been held in the Campo Marte military field. Schoolchildren dressed as revolutionaries participate in local parades in cities and towns throughout Mexico on the date.
In recent years, many stores and businesses in Mexico have been creating promotions around this holiday, dubbing it el Buen Fin ("the good end," as in weekend), and offering sales and offers similar to the way Black Friday is celebrated in the United States.
Yashi Kochi!!!!
Monday, November 19, 2018
Monday 19th November 2018......a day off!
Today is a National holiday all across Mexico but it seems the parade will be tomorrow I will try to catch some of it after tennis.
Gracie and I walked up to one of the local markets looking for stuffed animals or dolls for the kindergarten girls....we did find some nice ones for 70 pesos....
We have a little dilemma and would welcome your you think a kindergarten aged girl that really gets nothing would prefer a nice stuffed animal.......a baby doll.......or a nice small bag filled with all sorts of little goodies and games??????
I had another great workout out the gym and I do feel I am getting stronger....
No English class tonight because of the holiday and I have a special treat for them on Wednesday..stay tuned!!!
Tonight I am watching a really good series on Netflix called The KAMINSKY Method..two great actors Michael Douglas and Alan Atkin....
Yashi Kochi!!!!
Sunday, November 18, 2018
Sunday 18th November 2018...Three Kings update!!!
Well as a new week starts tomorrow the serious work for the Three Kings toy drive gets into full swing for me.
I do want to thank everyone of my friends who have made such generous donations already and I am so happy to report that all 350 soccer balls have been paid for and I have enough cash for nearly 200 purses for the girls...still a long way to go as I need to purchase gifts for the Kindergarten if any of your friends or relatives want to donate please get them to email me at
I have nearly finalized the schools and we will be delivering to children in the area towards the Pressa (lake)...
Tomorrow is a holiday here, Revolution day so I know the Centro will be alive with little boys in the soldiers uniforms sporting the usual black moustache ...
Hope you all had a great weekend!!
Yashi Kochi!!!
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Saturday 17th November 2018..this is easy!!
Friday, November 16, 2018
Friday 16th November 2018...Paola!!!
My friends Sharon and John Doherty, fellow Canadians who first started the The Three Kings Toy Drive are now heavily committed to the Deaf school here in SMA and this morning they had an open house and craft sale which I attended...
One of my English students from four years ago has a son who attends the school and I remember him coming to one of the classes and teaching us all some words in sign language..I went to look for him and found him in the wood working shop when he saw me he burst out in this huge grin and gave me a big hug and I could tell he was telling me that he remembered me.......I signed to him to say hello to his of those priceless moments that makes my days here in Mexico worthwhile and wonderful!!!
I also met another friend who I have not seen for a long time and it was nice to catch up with her years past she gave me many household items for Paola and her family .......I also received another donation for three Kings..thanks Joy!!!
So at 5 pm I was in the local park at the basketball waiting for Paola.....and she showed up all smiles..we hugged and sat and talked for a while....even though her English is very limited as is my Spanish we still were able to communicate on a low level.....
She looks good but I am surprised she did not grow taller...she was always a bit of a Tom boy and still has that spirit I can tell!!
Sadly she left school last year and is working in a local restaurant as a dish washer..she works six days a week from 10am to 7pm and takes home 1400 pesos..please do the conversion to your currency and see how little she is paid.
Paola turned 16 last May and now lives with her mother and two younger brothers in one of the campos close to where she works.
It was really great to re connect with her and next time we meet I will take Gracie and I will be able to find out lots more about her......
As I only have one crash helmet I did not want to take her home on the scooter so I put her in a taxi and gave her 100 Pesos.....
We will connect next week and the week after I will get her back to my Dentist where she was going three years ago!!
A busy weekend here in town it is Revolution weekend!!!
Here is an easy many deer?
Yashi Kochi!!!
Thursday 5 th January 2023…it was a great run!!!
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