Well my last sleep was of course a great one and I was on the road by 7.30am listening on the radio to a live soccer broadcast from England of the Mighty Hull Tigers, sorry Mally and Andy that they lost again!!!!
I had a drive of about 400 miles and the day was sunny and very nice and the scenery in Washington State very pretty.
I passed an Army convey of about 40 vehicles and some of the soldiers were standing in the open backs of the vehicles and I waved to every one and they all waved back, God Bless them.
I don’t think this person was feeling lucky.
The first Vancouver sign……but wait this is a trick..this sign is for the American city of Vancouver.
This is the real deal…..
I made really good time filled up the gas tank to the brim with cheap gas and was at the Peace Arch Border crossing by 4pm.
A bit of a line up..
getting there..
I am next…
The young man in the Customs booth was very pleasant and I was happy to hear him say, “Welcome Home” and here I am in

My amazing luck at the Ferry Terminal continues
paid my money and 30 minutes later on the ferry
This is Ramona on the ferry deck and I want to say how proud and happy I am with her. She has been an amazing friend and taken me over 8000 miles without one problem or head ache. The fridge problem I had a few months ago was my fault.
Some shots taken on the ferry.
They were even showing a hockey game on board.
A lovely sunset to welcome me home.
This is me November 6th the morning I left Nanaimo
and this taken about 1 hour ago.
I am blessed to have so many friends both here and in other countries who have helped, guided and just been a great friend to me and I thank you all. I also want to thank all the people who have kept in touch with me your kind words mean so much to me.
I feel really good, healthy and happy and ready to spend the next 6 months here. Already I have many soccer games to referee lined up and I look forward to those.
I also look forward to connecting with all my friends here and I will continue with the blog but not every day, so check in once every few days and see what is happening.
Heather and Kirby have opened up their home to me so I am very grateful and look forward to enjoying my time at your beautiful casa and getting involved with your boys.
It was an amazing adventure and I shall relive many of the wonderful sights and people I have met many times over these next few months.
I have to confess on the drive home today I was already planning in my head the next adventure starting in November. No fixed plans except that I am going to spend a lot of time with my girls in SMA.
Have a great Sunday and I want to say thank you and blessings to everyone…..Les