I had already written the blog about a night of tennis a new church and a hike but then I received an email from the husband of one of my English Students and everything changed!!!
I was told that this wonderful woman and mother was so tragically taken in a motor vehicle accident also her son in law was killed and her daughter left in critical condition........
Words cannot express how I felt but I want to share part of my reply to her Husband!!!
I am so sorry and cannot even begin to tell you how sad and I have no idea how you must be feeling but I do want to tell you what happened on Wednesday at the English class........your wife who was passionate about teaching and another student had a really good exchange about some issues regarding teachers they obviously disagreed but it was all very civil and I just sat there and smiled and they asked me why I was smiling and I told them because it does not matter if your views are different you are both very stimulated in your views what matters most to me is that for the last 10 minutes you have been stating your case and all in English that is the main thing you are thinking in English and then expressing yourself in a foreign language that is why I smile with pride!!!
After class she stayed behind and asked if she could talk to me and she told me that she was so happy that I was her teacher because not only do I teach her about the language but I also teach her about love, happiness and paying it forward and that she applies those principles with her family.....I was moved to tears and told her thank you but it was I who was humbled by her devotion to the class and her family I told her I loved her and hugged her......she smiled and left the room.....I had no idea that would be the last time I would see her!!!!
Please...Please...tell that person you are with that you love them every chance you get and always love with passion and embrace every single day....
Yashi Kochi!!!!
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Friday, January 27, 2017
Friday 27th January 2017.....Birthdays, blenders and a tennis bender!!!!
Tomorrow is the Birthday of the most wonderful woman I know....my lovely Sister in law Janet...here you see her with her very deserved medal I gave her at her and Malc's 50th wedding celebration a few months ago!!!
Note her medal is much bigger than Malc's.......
Have a wonderful weekend away you both deserve it...love and happy Birthday!!!
I treated myself to a lovely small machine that will make me some soothing smoothies!!!
I like that once the smoothie is made it stays in the container which has a drinking lid and I can take it with me if I go out!!!
I also bought some Morning glory seeds and planted them in this planter I hope they take and they climb the wall...keep you posted!!!
Some there was a huge game of tennis last night starting at 2.30 am I could not stay up for it after doing so the last two nights but I did wake up at 3.30 am got up and watched the last three sets..it probably rates as one of the best games I have ever seen...and now we have this incredible final between two Titans of the sport...
Both in their 30's Rafa and Roger both fine ambassadors of the sport and gentlemen to boot...I have no idea who I am going to cheer for but I do know at 2.30 am on Sunday morning I shall glued to the TV!!!
Google them and read about their records in this sport truly amazing!!!
Yashi Kochi!!!
Note her medal is much bigger than Malc's.......
Have a wonderful weekend away you both deserve it...love and happy Birthday!!!
I treated myself to a lovely small machine that will make me some soothing smoothies!!!
I like that once the smoothie is made it stays in the container which has a drinking lid and I can take it with me if I go out!!!
I also bought some Morning glory seeds and planted them in this planter I hope they take and they climb the wall...keep you posted!!!
Some there was a huge game of tennis last night starting at 2.30 am I could not stay up for it after doing so the last two nights but I did wake up at 3.30 am got up and watched the last three sets..it probably rates as one of the best games I have ever seen...and now we have this incredible final between two Titans of the sport...
Both in their 30's Rafa and Roger both fine ambassadors of the sport and gentlemen to boot...I have no idea who I am going to cheer for but I do know at 2.30 am on Sunday morning I shall glued to the TV!!!
Google them and read about their records in this sport truly amazing!!!
Yashi Kochi!!!
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Thursday 26th January 2017...sleepless nights!!!
But my own fault as I have been staying up to watch live tennis from Australia....the big games I wanted to watch start at 2.30 am so you can imagine my sleep patterns have been interrupted but worth it to watch fantastic matches..how these players constantly hit the ball so hard after long games amazes me and as a matter of interest the players left in the finals on both the women's and the men's side are all over 30 years of age and been around the game for years..
There is another game on this morning at 2.30 am but I don't think in fact I know I cannot stay awake to watch that one!!
Another great class last night on Wednesday's we always talk about what we do to "Pay or pass it forward" and again last night I was so moved by what these incredible students do in this community they have taken this subject to heart and I am so proud of everyone of them!!
I told you a few posts ago about the 5 Tibetan Rites that I perform each day I am now up to 15 repetitions a day for each of the five and on Sunday move up to 18...I don't know if they do anything for me but between those and my workout's at Joe's gym I definitely see a difference in my body shape and also I am still trying to eat really healthy!!
Not an exciting post I know...sorry....
Yashi Kochi!!!!
There is another game on this morning at 2.30 am but I don't think in fact I know I cannot stay awake to watch that one!!
Another great class last night on Wednesday's we always talk about what we do to "Pay or pass it forward" and again last night I was so moved by what these incredible students do in this community they have taken this subject to heart and I am so proud of everyone of them!!
I told you a few posts ago about the 5 Tibetan Rites that I perform each day I am now up to 15 repetitions a day for each of the five and on Sunday move up to 18...I don't know if they do anything for me but between those and my workout's at Joe's gym I definitely see a difference in my body shape and also I am still trying to eat really healthy!!
Not an exciting post I know...sorry....
Yashi Kochi!!!!
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Tuesday 24th January 2017......my day!!!
This is where I spend a lot of my mornings...
and you know I find it a wonderful way to start the day especially when the sun is shining....
A close up of the church...
not very often but we sometimes get spectators and this was the case this morning..these two were very interested in some of the shot making!!!
I am getting to like walking everywhere you sure see more when walking passing all the little Mum and Pop stores trying to eke out a living.....
This afternoon I walked over to the gym and Joe put me through my paces again..he is really pleased with my progress and I am beginning for the first time in my life to see some definition in my upper body!!
I spent the rest of the afternoon with my book on my patio...it was lovely and warm.....
The evening is going to be a long one as I want to watch a live tennis game from down under but it does not start till 2 am..so I think this will be an all nighter!!!
I have no appointments tomorrow till poker at 1 pm so I can sleep in tomorrow morning!!!
Yashi Kochi!!!
and you know I find it a wonderful way to start the day especially when the sun is shining....
A close up of the church...
not very often but we sometimes get spectators and this was the case this morning..these two were very interested in some of the shot making!!!
I am getting to like walking everywhere you sure see more when walking passing all the little Mum and Pop stores trying to eke out a living.....
This afternoon I walked over to the gym and Joe put me through my paces again..he is really pleased with my progress and I am beginning for the first time in my life to see some definition in my upper body!!
I spent the rest of the afternoon with my book on my patio...it was lovely and warm.....
The evening is going to be a long one as I want to watch a live tennis game from down under but it does not start till 2 am..so I think this will be an all nighter!!!
I have no appointments tomorrow till poker at 1 pm so I can sleep in tomorrow morning!!!
Yashi Kochi!!!
Monday, January 23, 2017
Mondy 23rd January 2017..the start of a new week!!!
I knew I had lots of walking to do today with my appoinments and not having Little Blackie to ride around on.....
On one of my walks passed this and I always marvel how so out of place it looks in this own..the rumors are it may belong to a lawyer or politician......
I have had a little issue with small food particles getting stuck in between one of my lower crowns so I saw my lovely Doctor Laura this afternoon..she checked me out took one x ray and determined there was no issues with my teeth just a very very slight distance between the crowns that if it got worse she could fix but just suggested thorough flossing at night...total cost 100 pesos....it makes no sense how cheap she is!!!
Another walk saw me on the tennis courts this afternoon for two hours of good tennis I was playing with three ladies always like those odds!!!
then it was a quick walk home and time to get cleaned up before walking to the school for my English class.....
Their homework for today was to bring something to class and talk about it.....I always love this because they use their minds and bring in the most interesting things to talk about and tonight was no exception....
Here they are in our new location and bright and small classroom!!!
More live tennis from down under tonight!!!
Yashi Kochi!!!
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Saturday 21st January 2017......a sad day for Little Blackie!!!!
Driving the scooter to tennis this morning I was following a car on a narrow cobbled road and I did not see this huge pot hole that the car in front went over without incident...I had no choice but to hit the pot hole and I knew there was a big problem......
I checked my rear brake cable and saw it was completely snapped in two........
After tennis I carefully drove to me mechanic and left it with him and he told me to return at 3.00 pm this afternoon.
Now I have always said that these Mexican mechanics can fix anything with anything but not so with this cable....the mechanic showed me the receipt he had to go to the Honda dealership and order a new cable..not a problem and this is the part I do not understand the part will not be here till next Saturday!!!
Not really a big deal just means lots of walking around town to my various engagements next week and I always have Little Bluey if needed......
At least no in juries and it can be fixed....have a great weekend!!!
Yashi Kochi!!!
I checked my rear brake cable and saw it was completely snapped in two........
After tennis I carefully drove to me mechanic and left it with him and he told me to return at 3.00 pm this afternoon.
Now I have always said that these Mexican mechanics can fix anything with anything but not so with this cable....the mechanic showed me the receipt he had to go to the Honda dealership and order a new cable..not a problem and this is the part I do not understand the part will not be here till next Saturday!!!
Not really a big deal just means lots of walking around town to my various engagements next week and I always have Little Bluey if needed......
At least no in juries and it can be fixed....have a great weekend!!!
Yashi Kochi!!!
Friday, January 20, 2017
Friday 20th January 2017...a bit of a Day(Pun intended)
Today I offered to drive my friend Sara and her two sisters, Deb and Lorraine to the state capitol town, Guanajuato about 75 km away...the pun above is that the sisters last name is Day!!!!
I picked them up at 9.30 am and it was a good drive..they were going to visit and walk all around the town and I was of into the mountains for a hike.....so I dropped them off just outside the city center and arranged to meet them at 5.00 pm.
Those peaks is where I am heading so you can see quite a climb..
There are a lot of mines in this area and you can see here the layers of slate!!
Looking back at the town!!
It was a lovely hike took me over 4 hours and afterwards I walked into the city centre but first stopping at this great view point!!
The whole city is built in a valley surrounded by mountains and they still have an extensive underground tunnel system!!
This is a beautiful and elegant building...
Such a vibrant market inside...
This is a completely different style of city from San Miguel..more European and less tourists and it is also a huge University city!!
This is the main Jardin!!
I picked up the Sisters and the drive back was uneventful and we arrived back in town around 6.30 pm...
Tonight more live tennis from Australia!!!
Yashi Kochi!!!
I picked them up at 9.30 am and it was a good drive..they were going to visit and walk all around the town and I was of into the mountains for a hike.....so I dropped them off just outside the city center and arranged to meet them at 5.00 pm.
Those peaks is where I am heading so you can see quite a climb..
There are a lot of mines in this area and you can see here the layers of slate!!
Looking back at the town!!
The whole city is built in a valley surrounded by mountains and they still have an extensive underground tunnel system!!
This is a beautiful and elegant building...
Such a vibrant market inside...
This is a completely different style of city from San Miguel..more European and less tourists and it is also a huge University city!!
This is the main Jardin!!
I picked up the Sisters and the drive back was uneventful and we arrived back in town around 6.30 pm...
Tonight more live tennis from Australia!!!
Yashi Kochi!!!
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Wednesday 18th January 2017...Happy Birthday!!!
My lovely and very special friend Linda is celebrating her birthday today...we have been friends for over 15 years and have wonderful memories of when Guy was still here in San Miguel...I just want to say hello to you and hope that you had a wonderful day I know you are celebrating with family on Sunday.....
Love you and thanks for your friendship!!!
Had a language problem today....I went for a haircut and thought I asked the barber to take just a tiny bit off.....he obviously thought I said leave a tiny bit on because his first move was with the clippers and he buzzed right over my head...so.....it will grow back but for a few weeks I do not have to worry about a comb....reminds me of the time I entered the Police College I had three haircuts in one day!!!
Tonight was the first full class in our new location..a really nice modern school with bright classrooms....I have missed the students and again we continued with the pay it forward Wednesday when they each told of a act they had done the previous week..they have really got into this movement...love it!!!
I am enjoying live tennis every night from Australia....
Yashi Kochi!!
Love you and thanks for your friendship!!!
Had a language problem today....I went for a haircut and thought I asked the barber to take just a tiny bit off.....he obviously thought I said leave a tiny bit on because his first move was with the clippers and he buzzed right over my head...so.....it will grow back but for a few weeks I do not have to worry about a comb....reminds me of the time I entered the Police College I had three haircuts in one day!!!
Tonight was the first full class in our new location..a really nice modern school with bright classrooms....I have missed the students and again we continued with the pay it forward Wednesday when they each told of a act they had done the previous week..they have really got into this movement...love it!!!
I am enjoying live tennis every night from Australia....
Yashi Kochi!!
Monday, January 16, 2017
Monday 16th January 2017......MLK Day!!!
There was utter confusion over class tonight I had arranged to meet them in the main Jardin and then late afternoon I received an e mail saying that a school had been found for classes and the students were to go there...anyway the end result is that we do have a new school where all the 250 students can be accommodated but only three students turned up..I did go to the Jardin but did not connect with anyone.
I photo copied the below text....we all took turns in reading out aloud and then discussing the salient points.....
We only covered a few paragraphs but will repeat it in class on Wednesday!!
It was wonderful to see students and to know they are so eager to learn.......one of the blessings of my life being here for them!!
I photo copied the below text....we all took turns in reading out aloud and then discussing the salient points.....
We only covered a few paragraphs but will repeat it in class on Wednesday!!
It was wonderful to see students and to know they are so eager to learn.......one of the blessings of my life being here for them!!
The Meaning of The King Holiday
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday celebrates the life and legacy of a man who brought hope and healing to America. We commemorate as well the timeless values he taught us through his example — the values of courage, truth, justice, compassion, dignity, humility and service that so radiantly defined Dr. King’s character and empowered his leadership. On this holiday, we commemorate the universal, unconditional love, forgiveness and nonviolence that empowered his revolutionary spirit.
We commemorate Dr. King’s inspiring words, because his voice and his vision filled a great void in our nation, and answered our collective longing to become a country that truly lived by its noblest principles. Yet, Dr. King knew that it wasn’t enough just to talk the talk, that he had to walk the walk for his words to be credible. And so we commemorate on this holiday the man of action, who put his life on the line for freedom and justice every day, the man who braved threats and jail and beatings and who ultimately paid the highest price to make democracy a reality for all Americans.
The King Holiday honors the life and contributions of America’s greatest champion of racial justice and equality, the leader who not only dreamed of a color-blind society, but who also lead a movement that achieved historic reforms to help make it a reality.
On this day we commemorate Dr. King’s great dream of a vibrant, multiracial nation united in justice, peace and reconciliation; a nation that has a place at the table for children of every race and room at the inn for every needy child. We are called on this holiday, not merely to honor, but to celebrate the values of equality, tolerance and interracial sister and brotherhood he so compellingly expressed in his great dream for America.
It is a day of interracial and intercultural cooperation and sharing. No other day of the year brings so many peoples from different cultural backgrounds together in such a vibrant spirit of brother and sisterhood. Whether you are African-American, Hispanic or Native American, whether you are Caucasian or Asian-American, you are part of the great dream Martin Luther King, Jr. had for America. This is not a black holiday; it is a peoples’ holiday. And it is the young people of all races and religions who hold the keys to the fulfillment of his dream.
We commemorate on this holiday the ecumenical leader and visionary who embraced the unity of all faiths in love and truth. And though we take patriotic pride that Dr. King was an American, on this holiday we must also commemorate the global leader who inspired nonviolent liberation movements around the world. Indeed, on this day, programs commemorating my husband’s birthday are being observed in more than 100 nations.
The King Holiday celebrates Dr. King’s global vision of the world house, a world whose people and nations had triumphed over poverty, racism, war and violence. The holiday celebrates his vision of ecumenical solidarity, his insistence that all faiths had something meaningful to contribute to building the beloved community.
The Holiday commemorates America’s pre-eminent advocate of nonviolence — the man who taught by his example that nonviolent action is the most powerful, revolutionary force for social change available to oppressed people in their struggles for liberation.
This holiday honors the courage of a man who endured harassment, threats and beatings, and even bombings. We commemorate the man who went to jail 29 times to achieve freedom for others, and who knew he would pay the ultimate price for his leadership, but kept on marching and protesting and organizing anyway.
Every King Holiday has been a national “teach-in” on the values of nonviolence, including unconditional love, tolerance, forgiveness and reconciliation, which are so desperately-needed to unify America. It is a day of intensive education and training in Martin’s philosophy and methods of nonviolent social change and conflict-reconciliation. The Holiday provides a unique opportunity to teach young people to fight evil, not people, to get in the habit of asking themselves, “what is the most loving way I can resolve this conflict?”
On the King Holiday, young people learn about the power of unconditional love even for one’s adversaries as a way to fight injustice and defuse violent disputes. It is a time to show them the power of forgiveness in the healing process at the interpersonal as well as international levels.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is not only for celebration and remembrance, education and tribute, but above all a day of service. All across America on the Holiday, his followers perform service in hospitals and shelters and prisons and wherever people need some help. It is a day of volunteering to feed the hungry, rehabilitate housing, tutoring those who can’t read, mentoring at-risk youngsters, consoling the broken-hearted and a thousand other projects for building the beloved community of his dream.
Dr. King once said that we all have to decide whether we “will walk in the light of creative altruism or the darkness of destructive selfishness. Life’s most persistent and nagging question, he said, is `what are you doing for others?’” he would quote Mark 9:35, the scripture in which Jesus of Nazareth tells James and John “…whosoever will be great among you shall be your servant; and whosoever among you will be the first shall be the servant of all.” And when Martin talked about the end of his mortal life in one of his last sermons, on February 4, 1968 in the pulpit of Ebenezer Baptist Church, even then he lifted up the value of service as the hallmark of a full life. “I’d like somebody to mention on that day Martin Luther King, Jr. tried to give his life serving others,” he said. “I want you to say on that day, that I did try in my life…to love and serve humanity.
We call you to commemorate this Holiday by making your personal commitment to serve humanity with the vibrant spirit of unconditional love that was his greatest strength, and which empowered all of the great victories of his leadership. And with our hearts open to this spirit of unconditional love, we can indeed achieve the Beloved Community of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s dream.
May we who follow Martin now pledge to serve humanity, promote his teachings and carry forward his legacy into the 21st Century!!
Yashi Kochi!!!
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Sunday 15th January 2017......it could be Friday!!!
because I had a typical Pearson Friday day...no appointments, no classes, no phone calls and did not see anyone!!
My day started at 6.30 am with a nice cup of tea and watching a great entertaining live soccer game from England.
After the game I had time to cook two poached eggs before the next and again exciting live soccer game from England.
Around noon I took off on a hike down to the Pressa..it was about 8 miles and I hope you enjoy the photos.....
It was a lovely hike I do enjoy these hikes it gives me time to think and although I do not meditate I believe these days are like a sort of meditation for me......
Had a great salad for dinner tonight and now sitting watching live tennis from Australia...not a thrilling and exciting day but nevertheless one I enjoyed!!!
Yashi Kochi!!!
My day started at 6.30 am with a nice cup of tea and watching a great entertaining live soccer game from England.
After the game I had time to cook two poached eggs before the next and again exciting live soccer game from England.
Around noon I took off on a hike down to the Pressa..it was about 8 miles and I hope you enjoy the photos.....
It was a lovely hike I do enjoy these hikes it gives me time to think and although I do not meditate I believe these days are like a sort of meditation for me......
Had a great salad for dinner tonight and now sitting watching live tennis from Australia...not a thrilling and exciting day but nevertheless one I enjoyed!!!
Yashi Kochi!!!
Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Tuesday 10th January 2017......well I cannot believe it!!!!!
I just wanted to write and tell you about my day which started with 2 hours of good tennis under blue, clear and warm skies....this was going to be the real test for my shoulder and I was very happy with my performance and the only difference this morning was that I held back a little on my normally powerful first serve.......no ill effects and it was wonderful to be back on the courts!!!
After a light lunch I went back for my first personal session with Joe at his small gym.....Joe is a lovely man I like him a lot and the way he is with me...his first words were to me" You look sad and thin'!!!
He knew about my injury and had devised a program for me on the Power Plate machine but using less weights than before.....the session went really well and we were both happy with what I was able to do.
Joe then took me to the weigh scales and I was in total shock I weighed 170 pounds...I have never ever weighed that before.....I have lost 14 pounds since Joe last weighed me......he told me that if I was eating correctly and I am that I should try and maintain this new weight!!
So this was all good news for me tennis and a workout and a new waistline!!!
Another thing I have been doing... I started on Sunday on this...
Nota bene: The text below is edited from an email I received, 29JUN2K5. The illustrations are from the web, they are linked to their source if known.
Some call these rites isometric exercises. Although they are helpful in stretching muscles and joints and improving muscle tone, this is not their primary purpose. A slow vortex causes that part of the body to deteriorate, while a faster one causes nervousness, anxiety, and exhaustion. Abnormal vortexes produces abnormal health, deterioration, and old age. The rites normalize the speed of the spinning vortexes by keeping them spinning at the same rate and working in harmony.
I have started and do them every morning and I do 10 repetitions and will increase each week till I reach the 21 suggested...I do not know what it will do for me but I do know it won't do me any harm!!!
Other good news is that I have contacted most of my students and tomorrow we are meeting in the main Jardin at 6.00 pm and we will have our class there in the garden..it will be wonderful to see them again!!
Yashi Kochi!!!
After a light lunch I went back for my first personal session with Joe at his small gym.....Joe is a lovely man I like him a lot and the way he is with me...his first words were to me" You look sad and thin'!!!
He knew about my injury and had devised a program for me on the Power Plate machine but using less weights than before.....the session went really well and we were both happy with what I was able to do.
Joe then took me to the weigh scales and I was in total shock I weighed 170 pounds...I have never ever weighed that before.....I have lost 14 pounds since Joe last weighed me......he told me that if I was eating correctly and I am that I should try and maintain this new weight!!
So this was all good news for me tennis and a workout and a new waistline!!!
Another thing I have been doing... I started on Sunday on this...

The Five Tibetan Rites
Nota bene: The text below is edited from an email I received, 29JUN2K5. The illustrations are from the web, they are linked to their source if known.
The Five Tibetan Rites is a yoga routine based on a ritual of exercises discovered in the early 1900's, by a British army colonel, Colonel Bradford, who was living in a Himalayan monastery. They are practiced around the world and are said to prevent aging. In 1939, Peter Kelder published "The Original Five Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation," which helped spread the rites in the western world. Mr. Kelder has since updated the book "The Eye of Revelation - The Original Five Rites of Rejuvenation," Borderland Sciences Research Foundation, 1989, ISBN 0-945685-04-1.
The rites are comprised of five different movements (with a sixth added for good measure), with each movement performed up to 21 times (Tibetans believe 21 is a perfect, mystical number). It is best to start with 3 repetitions of each exercise and gradually increase the repetitions. The entire routine can be completed in less than 10 minutes.
For thousands of years, medical practitioners have maintained that the body has seven principal energy centers which correspond to the seven endocrine glands, also known as chakras. Chakras are essentially energies within spinning vortexes. As a vortex is increased, the life force becomes stronger and more directed.
Recent medical research has uncovered convincing evidence that the aging process is hormone-regulated. The five ancient Tibetan rites are said to normalize hormonal imbalances in the body, thereby holding the key to lasting youth, health, and vitality. The rites stimulate the energy system in the body, wake up the chakras, and get energy moving from your core outward to your extremities. The theory behind the rites is that your Kundalini (spiritual energy) is stored and lies at the base of your spine and that these rites access that energy in a very efficient, fast, and user-friendly way.
An important part of the Tibetan exercises is a conscious synchronization of breathing while performing physical activity. Before beginning the exercises, practice the basic 4 - stage breathing technique.
- Inhale.
- Hold filled lungs.
- Exhale.
- Hold empty lungs.
Some call these rites isometric exercises. Although they are helpful in stretching muscles and joints and improving muscle tone, this is not their primary purpose. A slow vortex causes that part of the body to deteriorate, while a faster one causes nervousness, anxiety, and exhaustion. Abnormal vortexes produces abnormal health, deterioration, and old age. The rites normalize the speed of the spinning vortexes by keeping them spinning at the same rate and working in harmony.
I have started and do them every morning and I do 10 repetitions and will increase each week till I reach the 21 suggested...I do not know what it will do for me but I do know it won't do me any harm!!!
Other good news is that I have contacted most of my students and tomorrow we are meeting in the main Jardin at 6.00 pm and we will have our class there in the garden..it will be wonderful to see them again!!
Yashi Kochi!!!
Monday, January 09, 2017
Monday 9th January 2017......back on the court!!
Today was really the start of my new year and I hope that it brings me peace , health and happiness and of course the same for you!!
Being off the courts for over three weeks was not easy and just walking does not maintain the health and fitness level I had reached and I know it will take time but very happy to report that I hit balls for an hour this afternoon in the hot sun and I felt really good....it appears no after effects and tonight my shoulder has no pain but the test will be tomorrow when I play two hours in match like conditions but I am thinking it will be OK.
I like this quote
I actually played a set against Vitas years ago when I was living in Bermuda...he and some other stars came down for a vacation and I met him and we played a few games although I vaguely remember not doing too great......sadly he was taken way before his time in a tragic accident!!!
Being off the courts for over three weeks was not easy and just walking does not maintain the health and fitness level I had reached and I know it will take time but very happy to report that I hit balls for an hour this afternoon in the hot sun and I felt really good....it appears no after effects and tonight my shoulder has no pain but the test will be tomorrow when I play two hours in match like conditions but I am thinking it will be OK.
I like this quote
Vitas Gerulaitis, 40, Former Tennis Star, Dies
Published: September 20, 1994
Vitas Gerulaitis, the flamboyant former professional tennis player, was found dead in a guest cottage on Long Island Sunday afternoon. He was 40.
An autopsy was performed yesterday by Suffolk County's acting chief medical examiner, Stuart L. Dawson, but the preliminary findings were described as inconclusive. Late last night the police in Southampton, L.I., said that Gerulaitis apparently died of accidental carbon monoxide poisoning.
"No grossly identifiable disease or injury, which could have caused death or contributed to death, was present," said a brief statement issued after the initial examination. The statement said results of thorough toxicological studies being conducted in an effort to pinpoint the cause of death should be available later this week.
In the meantime, friends and fans of the high-spirited man with the long, shaggy hair who had thrilled them during a 14-year career that ended in 1985 could only wonder.
"We're still in a state of shock," said Jack Whitaker, the television sports commentator who had been with Mr. Gerulaitis on Saturday at a charity tennis clinic at the Racquet Club of East Hampton, where Mr. Gerulaitis had demonstrated the volley to some 60 corporate sponsors of the Cartier Grand Slam tennis tournament in spite of a bad back that had forced him to withdraw from a senior tournament last week.
When he left the clinic Saturday afternoon, Mr. Whitaker said, Mr. Gerulaitis promised to attend a party at the Whitaker residence in Bridgehampton that night. When he didn't show up, Mr. Whitaker said he had assumed that Mr. Gerulaitis was simply nursing his back.
It was not clear when Mr. Gerulaitis had died or when he had been last seen at the Southhampton estate of his friend Martin Raynes, where his body was discovered by a housekeeper at 3 P.M. Sunday. Mr. Raynes, a real estate investor and a friend of Mr. Gerulaitis's since the 1970's, did not return phone calls yesterday, and neither the police nor the medical examiner's office would elaborate on statements issued during the day.
His only Grand Slam singles title was the Australian Open in 1977, but from then until 1983 Mr. Gerulaitis was never out of the top ten in the international ranking, and his legendary reflexes and foot speed were awesome even in defeat, as was the case most notably in his five-set loss to Bjorn Borg in the 1977 Wimbledon semifinals.
A guitar player with long, curly blond hair, a quick wit and a penchant for the night life, Mr. Gerulaitis was well-known for his conduct off the court. He was treated for substance abuse and he was implicated, though never charged, in a cocaine-dealing conspiracy in 1983.
Born in Brooklyn on July 26, 1954, Mr. Gerulaitis was raised to play tennis by his father, Vitas Gerulaitis Sr., a former Lithuanian and Baltic States champion who spent decades as a tennis teacher in the United States before his death in 1991.
Starting on the clay courts of Highland Park, Brooklyn, Mr. Gerulaitis progressed to parks in Queens, the West Side Tennis Club in Forest Hills, and the Port Washington Tennis Academy on Long Island. He was a ball boy at Forest Hills, for decades the site of the United States Open, and he worked on the ground crew there as a teen-ager. After a year at Columbia University, he joined the professional tour in 1971.
Over the next 14 years, he won 27 tournaments and almost $2.8 million. In addition to his Australian Open title, he reached the finals of the United States Open in 1979, losing to John McEnroe, and the 1980 French Open, where he lost to Bjorn Borg.
His game declined in 1983, but he came back in 1984 at age 30. Then, a year later, he surprised many of his colleagues by retiring.
Tonight was supposed to be the start of the new semester for the English class but unfortunately the school where we have taught for years ended the contract and the coordinator has been looking for an alternative school to house over 25o students...with the Holidays this has proved very hard and to date there is no new location for us so classes have been cancelled until the problem is resolved.....
This is sad for the students but I am in the process of reaching out to them by e mail and if possible will meet with them later this week maybe in a downtown cafe where we can continue with class by just sitting around and talking!!
Yashi Kochi!!!
Wednesday, January 04, 2017
Wednesday 4th January 2017....Happy New year!!!
I do hope that you had a safe, happy and healthy start to this new year and may all your dreams come true!!!!
A few things have happened for me since I last wrote....at the tennis slam I took a nasty fall into the fence which proved to be more serious than I first thought and I did go to see my Doctor who informed me that there was some tendon problems and I needed to rest for three full weeks..this has been hard for me no tennis and no workouts with Joe as I just felt I was starting to get really fit...I have done some walking but I know I have lost that edge and it just means when I start playing again next Tuesday and resume my sessions with Joe it will take me some more time to recover and get back to the shape I was in.
I am looking forward to resuming my busy schedule next week with teaching, playing and learning...
Yesterday was the distribution of the gifts in the Campo for Three Kings Day...I have been involved with this group led by a wonderful Canadian couple Sharon and John for many years and so yesterday I became a King again and it was humbling and a delight to know we maybe in some small way brought joy to over 450 kids!!!
With a lot of thought I have decided to scale back on my blog posts...lots of days it is the same thing so I shall blog once or twice a week or when I do activities which I think may interest you....for ten years I have enjoyed the writings and hope you have too.....
I hope this year will be one of new and rich and happy blessings for all.....Yashi Kochi!!!!.
A few things have happened for me since I last wrote....at the tennis slam I took a nasty fall into the fence which proved to be more serious than I first thought and I did go to see my Doctor who informed me that there was some tendon problems and I needed to rest for three full weeks..this has been hard for me no tennis and no workouts with Joe as I just felt I was starting to get really fit...I have done some walking but I know I have lost that edge and it just means when I start playing again next Tuesday and resume my sessions with Joe it will take me some more time to recover and get back to the shape I was in.
I am looking forward to resuming my busy schedule next week with teaching, playing and learning...
Yesterday was the distribution of the gifts in the Campo for Three Kings Day...I have been involved with this group led by a wonderful Canadian couple Sharon and John for many years and so yesterday I became a King again and it was humbling and a delight to know we maybe in some small way brought joy to over 450 kids!!!
With a lot of thought I have decided to scale back on my blog posts...lots of days it is the same thing so I shall blog once or twice a week or when I do activities which I think may interest you....for ten years I have enjoyed the writings and hope you have too.....
I hope this year will be one of new and rich and happy blessings for all.....Yashi Kochi!!!!.
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Thursday 5 th January 2023…it was a great run!!!
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