I said I wasn’t going to blog till Sunday but stuff happens and I want to practise using this new set up I can do lots of different things now or
Anyway a few days ago I mentioned about that great young man who was a greeter at Wal-Mart and I received this reply from a friend of mine who is still working at the school when I was there.
I read a bit of your blog and the Wal-Mart mart greeter is Tim Herrington....He was a school friend of my oldest (28 and3/4 years old)
Tim had a fall playing baseball and that lead to surgery and now he has symptoms of MS. He lived with his Mom and she passed
away and I have a feeling there was no father around....and he uses a different last name now??? He is a strong Christian and
sounds like he has some good friends that have left a rock at the top of Mt. Benson that he WILL retrieve one day!! I think he makes
a wonderful greeter and it is amazing that some of the kids remember us after all those years.
Just a feel good story for today!!!
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