So I am off for a few days to go do some hiking in Strathcona Provincial park which is about a 90 minute drive away.
I had originally booked a small motel room in Campbell River for four nights....I have a good friend Croft, who lives in town and I contacted him and told him I was coming and I had a room but hoped we could find time for a visit and to have fish and chips together, which is what we used to do when I used to come up to visit Norma and Croft, very sadly Norma passed away about 18 months ago, she was a lovely kind lady!
Croft insisted that I cancel my room booking and come stay in his motor home which is parked in his driveway....initially basic no too much bother for him but he insisted and I do not like to argue with him as Croft is well over six feet tall!!!
So this morning all packed up and drove to the ski resort at Mount Washington..where I found the trail I had is a 21 km hike to Cruickshank Canyon......there is an elevation gain of about 1400 feet and the hike was through Alpine meadows...

Passing by at least four lakes....

It was quite warm and pleasant and not many people on the trail.....
Whiskey jacks looking for food....

It took me almost three hours to arrive at the canyon and the amazing view....

I had my lunch here and these jacks took food out of my hand but were too quick for me to get a photo...

Just as I finished my lunch the weather changed, the clouds came in and it started to rain and it rained all the way back to the car...

I was gone just over six hours and it was a great work out for me and blessed to be able to do these kind of treks!!
I then drove to Croft’s house and we had a nice visit I have not seen him since over a year ago when I came here for a celebration of life for Norma..

The motor home is in the driveway and I have fond memories of my RV and this one parked together in many places in Mexico and the USA over the years.
It is full self contained and I had a great shower and some pizza that Heather made last night....
It then went into the house and Croft and I watched the Vancouver game...
So a really nice day...I am staying till Thursday and going to do some hiking every day!!
Stay safe and healthy!!
Yashi Kochi!!!