Wednesday, June 05, 2019

Wednesday 5th June 2019...Day 6!!!

Can you believe I am having camera issues again!!!

In the last several years I have had to purchase a few different cameras!!

It worked great at the beach but when I went to turn it on would not open..nothing......

I found a camera store and the woman thought that the walking I did on the beach yesterday in the heat and the battery got fried.........she suggested a new battery but they did not have one in stock...

Went to a battery store and there they put in a new battery but still would not work..

Spoke to my camera guy in SMA and he suggested I keep it cool over night and that might help but he was not holding his breath...

So it seems that if it does not work by tomorrow I shall have to buy another new camera😞😞😞😞😞

My drive today was about two hours and most of it in pouring rain!!!

I went first through..

and then into....

This was my route..

My Airbnb is wonderful!!!

Private bedroom with connecting bathroom with tub and my favourite bath salts.Dr.Teal.....fridge in the room and use of the kitchen and Monique even offered and did a small load of laundry for me!!!

I fail to understand why anyone stays at hotels anymore...this stay is 55 Canadian dollars!!!

Time for the bath and then I am going to watch something I don’t normally do.. Watch a basketball is the finals and Toronto are in their first final!!

Yashi Kochi!!!


Dee Tillotson said...

A lot of people in the US are watching those basketball games too. Isn't it odd that the US population becomes united only when there are basketball games, no matter where they are played? Maybe we should elect as our representatives only those who play sports; they certainly know the rules.

Sorry about your camera; I read somewhere that you can get cases for them and still use them in rough terrain; but I wouldn't think a case would protect the lens unless you continually took the lens cap off and on. The beach heat was probably higher than 90 degrees to cause that much damage. We had a problem in Florida too, but not as bad as yours; the heat melted the edges of one of my credit cards while we were walking around, making it unusable; my fault because I stored it in a flimsy wallet purse.

You must have taken your airbnb photos with your I-pad. You are traveling toward gator country now; if you stop to take a hike near a bayou, your odds of seeing a gator will be great. However, remember, they can come out of the water very fast.

mexicokid said...

Yes it is a strange world we live in....and yes it was over 90 degrees...I am driving to Houston this morning so my gator sightings will have to wait for another time...hope you and Beach have a great day best wishes les

Irene & Chris' Travel said...

We have had similar problems with humidity and needed to have it dried out - so we put it in a bag of rice and it worked just fine after. In some resorts they have a warming/drying container to keep your equipment working.
Good luck
Irene Magneson

Dee Tillotson said...

Irene, I've heard about using rice to soak up humidity since I was a small child. But using rice in salt shakers in high humidity areas was the idea to keep table salt from getting damp. Yes, your idea (same concept) may work with the camera.

mexicokid said...

Do I take the battery out of the camera and leave the door open when I put it in with the rice?? Thanks les

Dee Tillotson said...

Yes, I would take out the battery; close the door; and keep the lens cap on (you do not want the rice to scratch the lens). No matter how well made these cameras are for the purpose of great photography, they are not so tight to be water resistant or debris resistant. So before you submerge the camera in a bag of rice, wrap it in waxed paper (you can get a roll of waxed paper in the grocery store), which paper you have taken a tooth pick and punched 3 or 4 holes in and slowly ease the wrapped camera in the bag of rice. The reason for wrapping the camera is to keep debris from the rice from entering the camera in any way. Keep it in an air conditioned cool room or car, which also pulls humidity from the camera. If this works, we may need to file an application for a process patent with the US Patent and Trademark Office in Arlington, Virginia. Ha!

mexicokid said...

Ok will do that tomorrow ..thank you best wishes le

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