Today was the day Boomer and I went off to find the upper Banon creek falls....
The only information I can find about these elusive falls gives directions where to park and then to use s GPS to bush whack your way to the falls.....
On arrival at the parking place listed I found out there was no cell service.....this shot is taken from the Internet ..

We were out literally in the middle of no where...

I went up a very small dirt logging road and did find something that looked like a path, sort of...

I could hear the falls so I knew I was close...
I do have a tendency to not pay attention on trails but this time I made sure I knew which way I was going and looking for certain trees to remember....
After about twenty minutes we did bush whack and find a way down to the falls...

To get to the bottom I would have had to get down this bank and with the rain and slippery undergrowth I just did not consider it a smart thing to do...

So these are the best views I could get!!
Gave myself my very first haircut tonight...

It was hard to do....a nice shave and this is as good as I get!!!
Congratulations to Ashley!!

So this isolating is hard...
Here I am in my Lazy Boy recliner watching news on a 65 inch TV.....looking out on the ocean, mountain views on the mainland.....
Then these guys come for a visit!!

I lost a close friend yesterday.......long time readers will know that every Tuesday Gracie, Lisa and I went to our friend Bo’s house to play Mexican train, it had become a tradition......
Months ago Lisa and Bo, who are just very good friends decided they would give up their lives here and move to Portugal.....they went through all the paperwork and we said goodbye to them a week before I left SMA.
They had an apartment and were just starting to get out and see some of the country.
Very sadly Bo had not been feeling great and yesterday morning Lisa found Bo had passed away....they do not think the virus was involved but will do thoughts go out to all Bo’s friends and especially to Lisa!!
Stay safe and healthy!!
Yashi Kochi!!!