Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Wednesday 30 th March 2022…lovely day!!

 There is a father and son small car wash at the end of my street and I dropped Blaze off there this morning and then walked onto town to go to the bank and when I came back Blaze was spotless I side and out!!!

On my walk passed through this small area and saw these ducks

This afternoon I went to poker and it was really  nice to see the guys again and know they are all Ok….they were happy to see me back but not so much when my winning ways continued with a 150 pesos win..

i went straight from poker to get FRIDA and we walked into CENTRO and to see the lovely main church.
I love this photo a friend sent me!!

Tonight it was back to my English class I just have two students Patty and Adriana  but we have a fun class just sitting and talk and chat about so many different things and they are very keen students!!

Stay safe and healthy!!

Yashi Kochi!!

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Tuesday 29 th March 2022…Tuesday so it must be tennis!!!

 Another busy but great day starting out on the tennis courts for the first time in nearly six weeks… playing in the mornings!!

Did some more chores in town before getting FRIDA and going for a long walk with her…

……I then went to meeting of the 24 hour club which is an organization I recently joined they take care of your affairs after you pass away and I felt it was good to have.

Then I met with Martha and we had our one hour conversation meet, as I have said before her English is really excellent ….

To end my day I met with Teri and Mike at the restaurant by my casita and we all chowed down on country fried chicken dinner.

As you can see lots of steps today!!

Stay safe and healthy!!

Yashi Kochi!!

Monday, March 28, 2022

Monday 28;th March ….2022….back into my routine!!

 it was nice to wake up in my own bed and to see sunlight flowing in through my windows….

I will not bore you with all the chores I did today but it was a full day…..Walked FRIDA this afternoon and we took some more tree photos.

Tonight was my first night back in the classroom since they closed the school down for Covid almost two years ago….

The semester is only a very short one till the end of April and I have three students registered and only two showed up….it was great to see them again and we just sat in a small circle and talked and asked questions and caught up with our lives!!

My days get easier now..

Stay safe and healthy!!

Yashi Kochi

Sunday, March 27, 2022

Sunday 27 th March 2022…home again!!

 The last leg of my journey home started out at sunrise this morning, I don’t see many sunrises!!

Look at the photo of the car and the mirror and look what is in the mirror!!

Those horses were running along the side of the highway, the  Mum looks so skinny🤢🤢

It was a six hour easy drive and this is by far the best route, in my opinion to and from Tucson.

Blaze being welcomed to San Miguel…

..the car is magnificent and I love how she handles!!

Nice to be in my love casita Doris again!!

My plants are thriving thanks to Amit and Teri for watering!!

I already washed my scooter, did a load of laundry and then went and took FRIDA for a walk… was great to see her again and she gave me a great big hug…..

we walked and enjoyed the jacarandas which are in full bloom!!

It is Mother’s Day in England and I spoke to JANET who was treated to dinner with the Family and I spoke to her tonight and I know it was a tough day for them their first special occasion without Andy!!

Well an amazing journey for me and always will remember this trip….and guess what??

Six weeks before I leave to see my family in England!!!!

Stay safe and healthy!!

Yashi Kochi!!

Saturday, March 26, 2022

Saturday 26 th March 2022…..Viva Mexico!!!

 Saturday morning and I was at the El Paso border crossing at 6am in my favorite border crossing bright Mexican soccer shirt!!!

Some people think this crossing is extremely dangerous but I have crossed here twice without any incident…today no one at all in line, went through the green light lane stopped for the inspector who asked me one question..Will you open the trunk?

It took him ten seconds and he closed it and wished me a safe journey… Covid questions, no nationality questions, no visa questions!!!

I was back home in Mexico 🇲🇽!!!

The drive was a long one but I knew it would be and I was prepared with music, news, food and drink…..because of the potential issues with my knee I religiously drive for two hours and stop for a few minutes do some stretching and then put a small bag of ice on my knee, it seems to work for me!!

I am now in a truck stop that has a small motel in the back, I have stopped here before and the room is very clean, Blaze is right outside, hot water and very quiet, perfect for overnight and only 450 pesos!!

Should be home tomorrow afternoon 🙂🙂

Stay safe and healthy!!

Yashi Kochi!!

Friday, March 25, 2022

Friday 25 th March 2022….Happy birthday

 My gorgeous and wonderful niece turned, not going to say, today and I hope you and Ian have a very special celebration hugs Uncle les💜

So the three day drive home to San Miguel

began this morning leaving the casita here in Tucson and driving to another casita in El Paso, Texas.

I went from Arizona, through New Mexico and into Texas…..I even stopped at a Mall Outlet just outside of El Paso and found the New Balance tennis shoes that I always wear, so it was a great drive, albeit on the Interstate!!

My little casita has everything I need and is very clean and the reasons I chose this place is that the casita has a full fridge and freezer so I can buy a bag of ice and some refrigerated stuff and have them in my chest cooler for the next two days just buying more ice in Mexico… also has a gated parking area next to the main home…..I have not seen the owners but by email they have been very helpful and lovely!!

There is a Walmart a couple of miles away and I need to get a few things, so that is perfect!!

Stay safe and healthy!!

I may not be able to get Wifi tomorrow night in Mexico but if not I plan to be home late Sunday afternoon!!

Yashi Kochi!!

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Thursday 24 th March 2022…..last day in Tucson!!

 Had a great breakfast treat with Linda and her lovely friend, Juju and then Linda and I did some shopping before I had my final dip in the hot tub!!

Said goodbye to Linda and thanked her for a wonderful visit, as always!

This afternoon I went to watch some young high school girls play tennis, they are the team that Vicky, the lady I met yesterday coaches, it was fun to see them play and happy they all were….

Just getting packed as I truly start my journey back home tomorrow……will be a three day drive…..

Soon I will be walking with this lovely young lady!!

Stay safe and healthy 

Yashi Kochi!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Wednesday 23 rd March 2022…..early bird…

 This is not a mis print, repeat this is not a mis print…..

I was up at 6 am yes 6 am this morning to meet a lady called Vicky who is a friend of a friend of Linda and Vicky was going to take me to a small waterfall hike up in the mountains…

It was a tad chilly at that time but I soon got warmed up and the hike was five miles in total and really lovely!!

Enjoy the photos….

Stay safe and healthy!!

Yashi Kochi!!

Thursday 5 th January 2023…it was a great run!!!

 This was my first ever blog post back in November of 2006!!! With just a couple of days off I have written a blog every day since and I hav...