I think I am the only person alive who after a rather nasty divorce settlement in 1984 was left with nothing but Major!!! He was worth it…
Thursday, July 31, 2008
I would like you to meet Major!!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Another trip down memory lane..
The Bermuda Police Soccer team on their way to play a game in Boston, 1975.
Do you need any hints to find me??
Back row, second from left!!! We looked pretty smart when we left, different story after three days of celebrating!!!!!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Beautiful rainbow..
Good job Federer and Nadal were not around in the 1970’s
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Don’t mess with the KID!!
I remember this punch like it was yesterday….sadly to say now, I broke Dave Cart’s nose with this overhand right.
The year was 1973 at the Bermuda Police Annual fight night. This was my first and last fight. As you can tell from the spectators the evening was based on the English fight club, where the patrons had to wear tuxedos, could only drink champange and only smoke cigars.
I had always wanted to fight, to experience the event and this was the year. I remember being introduced into the ring, lacing up the gloves thinking what the heck am I doing here???
The fight was a blur I do remember getting hit hard in the face and that frightened me, but I had trained hard and was able to come away with the victory. My hands and arms were so tired and heavy and my Mum never forgave me for doing this!!!!!!
Friday, July 25, 2008
The Pearson BOYS!!!!
Would you marry this man???
My brother Malc on the left and yours truly on the right before the big wedding day, now over 41 years ago. Check out the the pants and the shoes!!!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Dingy Dock Pub, Nanaimo
This afternoon I took two of my favourite ladies to the Dingy Dock Pub. For those who do not know Nanaimo this is a small pub located on Protection Island which is just outside the down town harbour. You take the little Protection Island ferry to and from the pub.
The sun was shining, the food was great and I really love these special ladies!!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Can you believe this???
Halloween 1997 and don’t I look cute???? My favourite night at the restaurant, I didn’t make much in tips but got lots of men’s telephone numbers!!!!
Monday, July 21, 2008
A blissful day…
Today I took my
kayak, The Great One, (yes even the kayak has a name!!) out for the first time in many months and I couldn’t have asked for a better day. I was gone about 9 hours and paddled close to 10 miles and it was truly a lovely day. I stopped at Newcastle Island for lunch and a siesta. Hope you enjoy these photos as much as I enjoyed taking them.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
This is so cool, I think I have the new system down pat and you get to see my old photos!!!
To all the girls who thought I NEVER had black hair!!!! That is assuming you can keep your eyes off my LEGS!!!!!!
Well this fine looking young man is 16 years old and his first day as a Police Cadet in Sheffield City Police force. This was taken September 1964.
Still doing more tests..
Trip down memory lane..
I have spent some time this week going through some old photographs and because of the knowledge and the hard work of my friend Chris, I now have 42 old photos stored on my computer, thanks Chris!!
Over the next few weeks I will share them with you, here are the first of them.
The long arm of the law and my MUM!!
This photo is taken in Bermuda where I was on the motor cycle section until I was deemed to be of danger to myself and anyone else on the road. I just have to tell you the story of my very first vehicle that I pulled over after my two weeks motor cycle course. After the course out I went on patrol and the roads in Bermuda are very small with no shoulders just sometimes a drop off into a gully. Well I have my first speeder and on came the flashing lights and siren and I pulled in behind this speeding youth on a moped. Feeling like I owned the world I pulled my bike up behind him, got off and started to walk towards the reeling speedster when I turned back around just in time to see my 750cc Honda Police motor cycle roll over on it’s side and into the gully(this happens when you forget to put down the stand). The horror of my bike in the ditch was only bettered by the smirk on the speedster’s face. Always quick with a come back I told him this was his lucky day I would tear up the ticket if he helped me get my bike back on the road. Things went from bad to worse and it was only a few days later that it was “decided” that the motor cycle section was not meant for me!!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Stamp Falls Campground, Port Alberni..
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Sunny Wednesday
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
My past life..
I just had to contact the Bermuda Police Service in regards to some personal information and this page brought back so many memories of my service there from 1970 – 1980.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Bermuda Police Service
53.3 km²
Approx 66,000
George Jackson
Bermuda Police
Hamilton Police Constable Thomas Joseph Powell. ca. 1890.
The Bermuda Police Service was created in 1879. Bermuda's first police, from settlement, until then, had been nine Parish constables (one for each Parish). These positions were filled by men appointed for twelve months, unpaid service, until pay was introduced in the 19th Century. These appointments were compulsory, akin to jury duty. Dissatisfaction with the quality of this part-time Constabulary led to the formation of the Bermuda Police Force under the Police Establishment Act, 1879. The new body consisted of ten full time constables under Superintendent J. C. B. Clarke. Three of the constables were based in Hamilton, with Clarke, three in St. George's, with Chief Constable H. Dunkley, and two in Somerset, and there were still twenty-one part-time Parish constables. The size of the police force was trebled in 1901. The first Detective was appointed in 1919, and the Force underwent another reorganisation in 1920, with eighteen constables recruited from the UK raising its strength to forty-six. The size of the force grew steadily over the following decades. The Bermuda Reserve Constabulary was created in 1951. With the closure of the HM Dockyard, and the attendant military garrison, in 1958, Police Headquarters, and other elements relocated to Prospect Camp, the former military heaquarters. A Womans' Department was established in 1961 with the first five female police officers. A marine section was formed in 1962. The Bermuda Police found itself performing a new role in the 1960s, Internal Security, as it dealt with riots resulting from the battle for racial equality. This culminated with the riots of 1977. These riots resulted from the death sentences handed down to two men accused of five murders, including those of Governor Richard Sharples, his ADC, Captain Hugh Sayers, and the Commissioner of Police, George Duckett. While remaining on the law books, the death penalty had not been used in Bermuda for three decades. As
Hamilton Police Station.
the two men convicted were both Black, many Blacks saw the sentences as racially motivated.
In 1995, the Bermuda Police Force was re-named the Bermuda Police Service. It was thought that the word 'force' had unsavoury connotations. The Reserve Constabulary was renamed the Bermuda Reserve Police[1] and adopted the same uniform as the full-time Police officers. This was meant to address the common misconception they had suffered from, which was that they were not 'real' police officers.
Also in 1995, the withdrawal of the US Navy from Bermuda left the Bermuda Government responsible for policing the entirety of what was now the Bermuda International Airport. Unfortunately, Bermuda was still feeling the effects of the recession of the early 1990s, and this had led to a reduction in the manpower of the Bermuda Police Service. At the same time, the new Police Commissioner, Colin Coxall [1], was determined to modernise the Bermuda Police Service by returning it to its roots [2]. It was felt that the service had lost familiarity with the community it was policing, with constables waiting in police stations to react to situations, rather than walking the beat, anticipating, and preventing them. As the Bermuda Police Service attempted to redirect its efforts to more traditional 'community policing', which required a greater manpower, it found itself short of constabulary. Many non-policing roles within the service were reassigned to civilians in order to place more police officers on the street, but it was ultimately decided to withdraw most of the detachment from the airport in order to make-up the shortfall elsewhere. Policing of the airfield, which had previously been split between the US Navy and the Bermuda Police, was divided between the new Airport Security Police (a privatised police force operating under the Department of Air Transport), on the airside, and the Bermuda Police Service, which maintained a small detachment at its Airport Police Station, supplied from the complement of the St. George's Police Station, on the landside. That part of the former US Naval Air Station Bermuda which was not required for the operation of the airfield was fenced off and patrolled, til final decisions on the disposal of the land were made, by the Baselands Security. This was a unit of security guards recruited, trained, and operated by the Bermuda Police Service, which wore Bermuda Police uniforms, drove Bermuda Police cars, but whose personnel were civilians, without police powers.
Today, the Police Service continues to operate from the three police stations in Hamilton, St. George's, and Somerset, and the Headquarters at Prospect Camp, and a small Marine Police Station on Barr's Bay, in Hamilton. Following the closure of the US Naval Air Station in Bermuda, the Scenes Of Crimes officers have moved to a building there.
The current strength of the Service is 450 full-time officers, supported by 100 reserve officers.
[edit] References
Monday, July 14, 2008
Music Festival
The music festival was an experience and a half, never seen so many cowboys and cowgirls in one place in my life and there was me in my crocks, shorts and soccer shirt!!!!!!!
Some of the acts I found to be more country rock, which sounded a little bit too heavy metalish for my tender ears but there were some great performers. I really liked the Judd’s, Mother and daughter and Hank Williams Junior was great entertainment.
Please don’t ask where are the photos are…..OK……..OK…
Came home in time to take my special friend Ken out for dinner on his 74th birthday!! My regular readers know all about Ken and the special relationship we have.
Monday, July 07, 2008
Ramona hits the road again..
Going on another small road trip Wednesday…heading for Merrit and the Mountain Music Festival. The forecast is for sunny skies all weekend so will post pictures next week when I get back.
Hope everyone has a great week……
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Free concert in the park by the waterfront
Thursday 5 th January 2023…it was a great run!!!
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