Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Wednesday 31st March 2021....a good day!!

Today was an easy day for me just enjoying my new home...I used the washing machine and then hung the clothes to air dry, the only way to do it in my opinion!!

At noon I met with the coordinator of the below program as I had applied for a tutor position...happy to tell you I was accepted and will start the program in perhaps too weeks, excited about this?

JA Volunteer English Tutoring Program

1. Introduction

Jóvenes Adelante has long recognized the valued contribution of volunteers. With nearly a 100 mentors, JA has the most robust support mentor program in all of Mexico. The JA Volunteer English Tutoring Program aims to provide students with extra support in developing their English language skills. The English Tutoring Program is not intended to replace formal English as a Foreign Language classes and instruction, but rather provide extra practice in learning an additional language.

3. Selection of English Language Tutors

Potential tutors will be required to complete a Volunteer Tutor Application Form. Our Volunteer English Language Coordinator will be in touch with you to arrange a meeting to tell you more about what it means to be a tutor and to answer any questions you may have. 

Ideally the English Language Tutor will work with students for a minimum of one hour at least once a week for three months. We ask that you make a three-month commitment for consistency in the learning process. Tutors are welcome to continue with approval from the Volunteer English Language Coordinator. Tutors are asked to prepare a monthly check-in with the English Language Coordinator on the student’s progress, topics being studied and any particular challenges that the student may be facing.

5. Tutor Code of Ethics & Conduct 

a) I will be committed at all times to acting in the best interests of tutees. 

b) While tutoring, I will give my undivided attention to tutees. 

c) I understand that my relationship to the student is professional rather than personal, and I will avoid establishing inappropriate relationships with tutees. 

d) I will respect every tutee’s uniqueness and personal dignity at all times by accepting him or her without judgment. 

e) I will not use a tutoring situation to proselytize my personal belief system. 

f) I will respect, and will work to improve my sensitivity to, tutees’ cultural, individual and role differences, including those based on age, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, disability, language, and socioeconomic status. 

g) I recognize the existence of individual learning styles and will remain flexible in my approach to student learning. 

h) I will fulfill all of my commitments to tutees - including those relating to punctuality and attendance - out of courtesy and so as to be a good example for my tutees. 

i) I will keep all information about tutees confidential. 

j) I will share any significant concerns that I have with the Volunteer English Language Coordinator. 

k) When on duty as a tutor, I will conduct myself in a professional manner. 

l) I will establish a safe environment online or in person where students feel comfortable to ask questions.

Tonight I had to walk thirty yards to have dinner at my favourite Friends Teri and Mike invited Margie and my friend Jen for dinner.....outside patio well spaced and a lovely meal and conversations.....thank you.

Now settling down for a live tennis match from Miami!!

Stay safe and healthy!,

Yashi Kochi!!


Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Tuesday 30th March 2021....a new beginning!!

Had a first good sleep and there is plenty of light

I already know I am going to be very happy and content here.

I decided to walk to tennis this morning and it took me six minutes!!

Another good session on the courts!!

Spent a couple of hours sorting things out and decorating a little and I think the almost finished product looks great!

The recliner that I had gifted to me six months ago found a new home today..

Lynn found a young man who has some medical issues and Reyes and I delivered the chair to him.

Juan is 17 years old and has been crippled since birth and I can only tell you how moving and blessed it was to see his Mum as Juan first sat in the chair......I am so glad he will be comfortable 🙏🙏🙏

My usual Tuesday evening dinner of Country fried chicken takes on a new meaning now because the restaurant is three doors away....boy it tasted good and I only had half so another meal another day!!

Time to watch live tennis from Miami...

I do like these...

Stay safe and healthy!!

Yashi Kochi!!

Monday, March 29, 2021

Monday 29 th March 2021...moving in day!,

Today was A really busy day and I am all. Over in and had some great help from Lilly, my lovely lady who cleans .....Jen came and helped pick up the plants and outdoor stuff and finally Gregg came over and hung some pictures and did a few little handy man jobs.......thank you everyone!!

Almost have everything where I want it and will finish tomorrow and post photos.....

Already know I shall be very happy here a lot of advantages

Stay safe and healthy!!

Yashi Kochi!!

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Sunday 28 th March 2021...moving stuff day

I was invited out to play Pickle Ball again this morning

I really enjoyed my two hours...I think I get a better work out than at tennis and the people are very kind and interesting...I still prefer tennis but I do enjoy my time on the small court.

This afternoon I received the keys for my new casita and I loaded up a car I had borrowed and took nearly all my stuff over......I cannot put anything out or away yet as my lovely cleaning lady, Lilly, is coming over in the morning to get everything ship shape.....then when she leaves Jen is coming over in her SUV to help move my plants and lounger and then Gregg is coming over to hang some pictures and do a couple of handy man chores that everyone’s knows I am not good at......

I am going to enjoy living in this new neighbourhood everything is much closer for favourite restaurant where I get my chicken fried steak is three doors away....the lady who cuts my hair and the guy that takes care of my scooter repairs is on the same street...Frida lives maybe a four minute walk away and I could walk to the tennis courts in five minutes!

I hope you all had a great weekend!,

stay safe and healthy!!

Yashi Kochi!!

Saturday, March 27, 2021

Saturday 27th March 2021..easy day before

The next few days will be busy for me moving casitas.......I will not rush the move just take my time and I look forward to moving in on Tuesday.

I like all of these...

this is so true of soccer players players!!!

Stay safe and healthy!!

Yashi Kochi!!

Friday, March 26, 2021

Friday 26 th March 2021....very easy day

Just a short blog as I had a very relaxing easy day..packed a few boxes ready for my casita move on Sunday.....

Then just relaxed and enjoyed doing nothing...

Stay safe and healthy!!

Yashi Kochi!!

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Thursday 25 th March only Neice

Sam had a big birthday today...

this is taken in Janet and Malc’s home and Ian no doubt will get some of that cake!!

Nice spread Janet.....

Hope you had a great celebration Sam and love and hugs to you!!!

tennis this morning was a really competitive and fun game...

being an ex police of always they are close to my in Canada is national RCMP appreciation day.....

Thanks everyone for your service!!

Stay safe and healthy!!

Yashi Kochi!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Wednesday 24 th March 2021....Relaxing day

I had an easy day today and took my time over breakfast and then went into Centro do some banking...

Went up the hill to check out the Jacaranda trees ....

They sure are beautiful.....

I saw this car parked and had to take a photo....

Must be a distant cousin of Blaze!!!

I then walked around the newest park in SMA...

Then went and picked up Frida she is always so happy to see me and we had a good walk....took this shot which I think is great....

More tennis on Tv this week this time from Miami.....

Stay safe and healthy!!!

Yashi Kochi!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Tuesday 23 rd March 2021....thoughtful writing!,

I’m like this article written by one of the amazing team of volunteers who have taken it upon themselves to help all citizens of this town!!

Vaccines and the Marathon: Please do not take this responsibility lightly
It was an exciting and emotional weekend in San Miguel, and according to preliminary data from the Ministry of Health, from March 19-21, approximately 14,431 doses were applied to sectors across the city. 
I think about these numbers and that every one of these shots represents a person with a family and people who care about them and people who have been worried about them. 
I worked in a pediatric ICU and we often gave vaccines as our kids were leaving the unit, and they almost all cried. For us as adults, vaccines have become routine and certainly an event without tears. 
I think that changed this weekend when so many received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
As we stared at the small glass vial holding the promise of hope, so many of us became overwhelmed with emotions. In that moment, we thought of the past 12 months. 
We thought of the Wuhan physician who tried to warn the world of a SARS-like virus , and who later died from this infection. 
We thought of the horrible images and reports from Italy and France and NY last February and March, where intensive care units were overwhelmed, ventilators were rationed, and parking lots became morgues.
We thought of the abandoned streets of our beloved San Miguel usually bustling with life and tourists and celebrations. 
We thought of the frantic calls from family members and friends and people whom we haven’t seen in years, looking for advice or comfort or hope. 
We thought of the people who have been away from loved ones and who have lost loved ones — unable to embrace them in times of happiness and in times of grief.
And we thought of the more than 200 lives in SMA, 10,000 in Guanajuato, 200,000 in Mexico, and the 2.73 million people worldwide who have died from this infection — many of whom without family by their sides. 
And for the first time since we were children, we cried when we received a vaccination.
We cried because we are overwhelmed by grief, but we also cried because of hope and the enormity of the moment. 
In under a year, scientists developed not just one, but multiple vaccines against a virus that was previously unknown. They collaborated across the globe with a single unified vision — defeat the virus. And with the help of brave people who volunteered for clinical trials, they did it. They developed vaccines that are safe and effective and hold to the hope that will allow us to return to some semblance of normalcy. 
So yes… was a moment of many emotions. But what are we to do with such a moment in which both grief and hope pull at us? 
Much like the final miles of a marathon, which are both the most painful and difficult and also the most rewarding and inspiring, we have to push toward the finish line. We have an opportunity to turn our pain and grief into success for humankind.
We are privileged to have received the COVID-19 vaccine. Please do not take this responsibility lightly. WE need to keep working, both to stop the virus from spreading and to eradicate it, despite the pain and discomfort. 
I will continue to wear my mask and limit my socializing and care for others. I hope you - my fellow human beings — will join me

Stay safe and healthy!!

Yashi Kochi!!

Monday, March 22, 2021

Monday 22nd March

I wore my tourist guide hat as I took my good friends, Margie, Teri and Mike on an afternoon adventure...thanks to Mike for providing the transportation and driving.

The first stop was La Huerta home to the second largest tree in Mexico....a Sabino about 460 years old...

Margie, Teri and Mike

It is one big tree...

I do like the Jacaranda trees in full bloom now..

Years ago a lovely church and other buildings were submerged in the Pressa and only at certain times of the year could see the church steeple but now because of the huge drought you can actually walk around the ruins.....amazing....

The last stop was a hidden church in the hills that I had not been to before....

Such detailed  work...

We were thrilled to see the murals on the ceiling..

it was a great outing........

Stay safe and healthy!!

Yashi Kochi!!!

Thursday 5 th January 2023…it was a great run!!!

 This was my first ever blog post back in November of 2006!!! With just a couple of days off I have written a blog every day since and I hav...