Today was an easy day for me just enjoying my new home...I used the washing machine and then hung the clothes to air dry, the only way to do it in my opinion!!
At noon I met with the coordinator of the below program as I had applied for a tutor position...happy to tell you I was accepted and will start the program in perhaps too weeks, excited about this?
JA Volunteer English Tutoring Program
1. Introduction
Jóvenes Adelante has long recognized the valued contribution of volunteers. With nearly a 100 mentors, JA has the most robust support mentor program in all of Mexico. The JA Volunteer English Tutoring Program aims to provide students with extra support in developing their English language skills. The English Tutoring Program is not intended to replace formal English as a Foreign Language classes and instruction, but rather provide extra practice in learning an additional language.
3. Selection of English Language Tutors
Potential tutors will be required to complete a Volunteer Tutor Application Form. Our Volunteer English Language Coordinator will be in touch with you to arrange a meeting to tell you more about what it means to be a tutor and to answer any questions you may have.
Ideally the English Language Tutor will work with students for a minimum of one hour at least once a week for three months. We ask that you make a three-month commitment for consistency in the learning process. Tutors are welcome to continue with approval from the Volunteer English Language Coordinator. Tutors are asked to prepare a monthly check-in with the English Language Coordinator on the student’s progress, topics being studied and any particular challenges that the student may be facing.
5. Tutor Code of Ethics & Conduct
a) I will be committed at all times to acting in the best interests of tutees.
b) While tutoring, I will give my undivided attention to tutees.
c) I understand that my relationship to the student is professional rather than personal, and I will avoid establishing inappropriate relationships with tutees.
d) I will respect every tutee’s uniqueness and personal dignity at all times by accepting him or her without judgment.
e) I will not use a tutoring situation to proselytize my personal belief system.
f) I will respect, and will work to improve my sensitivity to, tutees’ cultural, individual and role differences, including those based on age, gender, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, disability, language, and socioeconomic status.
g) I recognize the existence of individual learning styles and will remain flexible in my approach to student learning.
h) I will fulfill all of my commitments to tutees - including those relating to punctuality and attendance - out of courtesy and so as to be a good example for my tutees.
i) I will keep all information about tutees confidential.
j) I will share any significant concerns that I have with the Volunteer English Language Coordinator.
k) When on duty as a tutor, I will conduct myself in a professional manner.
l) I will establish a safe environment online or in person where students feel comfortable to ask questions.
Tonight I had to walk thirty yards to have dinner at my favourite Friends Teri and Mike invited Margie and my friend Jen for dinner.....outside patio well spaced and a lovely meal and conversations.....thank you.
Now settling down for a live tennis match from Miami!!
Stay safe and healthy!,
Yashi Kochi!!