I am back with my “Family” on the bank in Nanaimo. Heather and Kirby and the boys leave today for 8 days in their motor home and I wish them a safe and happy trip and the boys good luck in their soccer provincials in Nelson, B.C.
When I posted last I was staying in the Wal-Mart in Yakima and I had yet again another good sleep and although still stuffed up a little, felt pretty good.
My first game started at 1pm Friday afternoon and Ramona was parked at
right by the soccer fields.
I had 5 games Friday with my last game finishing at 8.45pm.
I knew it was going to be a busy weekend and it sure turned out that way. After the game it was back to Ramona a hot shower, supper and almost time for bed because my first game Saturday was at 7.30am, yes you read it right 7.30am!!!!!
I had 7 games Saturday with my last one again finishing at 8.45pm, THAT WAS A LONG DAY!!!!!!
Guess what time my first game was Sunday morning??
Yes ……7.30am AGAIN!!!!!! Sunday it was 5 games and at 5pm Sunday afternoon I was all finished and started on the journey home.
I know that is a lot of games but I am very happy to brag that even though I was not feeling 100% I did all my games and did a decent job I think and it was hot too…in the 90’s. So pretty proud that my body stood up to the physical pounding.
I have been coming here to this tournament for 8 years and I know all the local referees and they treat me very well and I really enjoyed myself.
This sunset photo was taken on the way home.
I want to thank Vanessa’s Mum who gave me these Rosary beads about 20 years ago promising me a safe journey always.
Also Karen and Heather who gave me these Angels, to keep me safe on the road.
I have all of these Angels in Ramona and the next story is not melodramatic although it still seems so unbelievable.
About 20 miles from the Canadian border on Interstate 5 at 9pm and it is a lovely sunny evening and I am travelling on the inside lane with my cruise control set at 55 m.p.h. and all is well when the most incredible event occurred. I have been driving 45 years and this is the very closest I have ever come to be involved in a serious accident.
I was being passed by lots of cars and one car passed me and very stupidly after passing me the driver pulled into the lane in front of me and I can only imagine that the driver pulled in too sharp because the car immediately fishtailed and spun 360 degrees. How on earth it did not flip I have no idea. I immediately braked sharply sending everything flying forward in Ramona. The car then in a could of braking smoke did another 360 turn and came at me sideward's. I was able to slow and drove onto the shoulder and avoided the rear end by inches. A quick look in my mirrors told me that the vehicles behind had seen what happened and they all stopped safely.
This next part made me so angry and I am still fuming. The car that caused this almost incredible destruction came to rest about 40 feet behind me facing the wrong way on the opposite shoulder. I saw in my mirror that the car turned around so I start to move forward and the car, I know saw was driven by a young lady with three females in the passenger seats then flew past me again. I could not believe it. I leaned on the horn and the girls in the back seat turned round laughed and gave me the finger!!!!!!!!'
They turned off about 500 yards later at the next exit. They have no idea how close they came to serious injury and the cause of a multi vehicle pile up.
I was quite amazed at my calmness, I just braked like mad but controlled Ramona and she performed like the lady she is.
I do not know who to thank but I do believe that there was some “Angel” riding along with me because this is the very closest I have ever come to disaster.
My Nexus card proved invaluable again at the Border Crossing
All the cars on the left were lined up over a mile back and my Nexus Lane to the right, empty…I was through without any problems.
My incredible run of the luck at the BC Ferry Terminals continues. I knew I was pushing it to make the 10.45pm ferry but I arrived at the Terminal at 10.25pm and did not even turn the engine off drove straight onto the ferry.
So ends my latest journey and take away the near miss, it was a great week……blessings to all.