Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Tuesday 31st March 2020..Day 46!!

Today was my first real going out day in 17 days since I arrived in Canada..


First took Boomer here...

A ten minute drive from the house...under normal circumstances this is a beautiful area used for walking, running, biking, swimming, and fishing!!!

But still lovely today..

Boomer loves it...

So my real first conversation this morning on the trail was like this...

I always leash in Boomer when we approach oncoming people with dogs but he is really excellent he does not bother kids or other dogs.....so we are walking and two women approach I would guesstimate around 45 years of age and one has a terrier type dog on a leash and the other a big Boxer dog also on a leash.

I kept Boomer close to me and as we passed the Boxer barred his teeth and went for Boomers rear end, very nasty and aggressive....I pulled Boomer away and asked the woman to control her dog.....

So what were my first words I hear in 17 days.....she looked directly at me and told me to “shut the f- - K up”.....I was almost gobsmacked but did manage a “go home and look in the mirror lady”.    Really could not believe her everyone else on the trails I have seen have been so nice...oh well!!!

This is not the lady just something funny off the internet..

After I brought Boomer home I had to go to the bank to sign some papers..

Parking lot almost empty...

Next to the drug store to buy a razor..

Do you think I need one??

The razor is charging so the after photos of a cleaner chin mañana 

On the way home in the next driveway..

I like this......

And this

Stay safe and healthy!!

Yashi Kochi!!

Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday 30th March 2020...Day 45!!!!

There was a little issue around cars this morning so Heather took Little Bluey to work.

So Boomer and I did a 13 km walk from the house...here are some things we saw along the way...

An elephant...

Welcome to Nanaimo sign...

I think I remember these!!!!!!

A free book stand with a great sign..the white sign you cannot read in the middle is saying not to bring or take books at this time..

We then went down and walked along the pebbly beach..

Found this great stone....

Some one has been busy and thoughtful..

Of course your daily waterfall...

And a Boomer photo..

Another elephant 

And some llamas

It was a great walk.

Whilst I was downstairs having supper Heather called me and told me to open the basement door and I did...it was like an opera of sea lions..they were making such a loud noise, really funny!!

Like lots of places in the world now they are paying Tribute to medical workers, police, firefighters, paramedics, people in essential services...

Here almost everyone goes outside at 7pm and for one minute you make as much noise as you can....

I went out with a saucepan lid and a ladle...it is truly amazing the noise the whole neighbourhood makes!!

I like this play on words..

Stay safe and healthy!!

Yashi Kochi!

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Sunday’s 29th March 2020..Day 44!!!

I am so glad the weather forecasters were wrong....

Today was lovely and sunny and after breakfast I got Boomer ready for a big hike.

We drove about 40 minutes to this trail head...

The first part was on a nice firm path meandering along the river....

Then we came to this trail head and soon it became all up hill.....

I let Boomer of the leash he finds the biggest stick he can and bounds up the hill leaving me behind but he goes about twenty yards and stops and turns around and looks for me, so cute.

This view of the islands was close to the peak of the climb

A few minutes later in the middle of this forest is Heart Lake!!


There is a trail all around the lake which we took and then came back to the viewpoint and had lunch.....

The weather changed whilst we were there and the clouds and rain came in for our decent..

Reckon it was about 12 km in total a really good work out and Boomer slept on the way home!!

Heather cooked a really nice dinner and brought me a plate down, it was yummy! Thank you!!

This is the 14 th day of my self quarantine and we have talked about options and have wisely decided to keep things the way they are, I am so lucky to be here!

Stay safe and healthy!!

Yashi Kochi!!!!

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Saturday 28th March 2020..Day 43!!

Definitely a change in the weather but not a change

in my routine......

Took Boomer out just before noon I wanted to find another trail to get to Ammonite Falls, where we went a few days ago.

Found the trail head Ok and I like these new signs...

The forests are so lovely this time of the year....

The trail was a good one for a while and then there was a very steep hike down to the river...Boomer was Ok but I was struggling a bit with it being so slippery..

I almost got down to the bottom and there saw that I would have to cross over the river on a felled tree.....common sense again kicked in, second time in a week, and I decided that I did not need to go across that log it just looked too dicey to me......so we turned around and took some other trails back to the car.

Again Boomer is fantastic company!!

Heather had found a small suitcase of mine that I had left here and I went through some of my stuff and found these photos that I want to share!!

But first I want to share this with you..

This is a letter that my Mum wrote to me on 13th February 1995..

She rarely wrote to me as we communicated by phone every week but she told my Dad she just wanted to write me.........a few hours she passed away in her sleep!!

This photo is the one and only alcoholic drink I have ever had....

My 21st Birthday on the island of Majorca!!

My Mum and Dad’s wedding!!

Their 50 th wedding anniversary..

Left to right... Dad, Mum, Auntie Rita and Uncle Bram, my Dad’s brother who is now 92 years young and doing really well!!

1980 a family dinner when I was first married..

Left to right....Me, Michelle and Mia, Connies daughter’s, one of the boy friends and then Connie in between her parents!!

I got Major in the divorce proceedings...

Can you believe I dressed like this....Bermuda 1972

This is a photo of the main Jardin in SMA which is always mobbed with people..

Have a great evening be safe and happy!!

Could not leave you without a waterfall photo..

This evening my Rain forest shower!!

Yashi Kochi!!

Thursday 5 th January 2023…it was a great run!!!

 This was my first ever blog post back in November of 2006!!! With just a couple of days off I have written a blog every day since and I hav...